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Many sex workers also suffer from psychological problems. Another factor complicating treatment is the ongoing exposure to work-related trauma for these women.

A major barrier to health care is a lack of information about where to go for treatment or how to obtain health insurance. Conclusions: More research needs to be done by library and information science professionals to determine the information needs of sex workers and the agencies that provide them with health and social services.

Most women do not choose prostitution; rather, they are forced into this type of work because of drug addiction, poverty, or lack of education [ 23 ].

No library and information science LIS studies and few in other social sciences have determined the general Prostitutes Valera problems of women whose occupation is sex work. Based on the theory of sense making discussed belowtwo Prostitutes Valera the authors Baker and Case conducted a pilot study of female sex workers in a large Midwestern city.

The objective of the study was to ascertain general health problems and potential health information needs of inner city women whose occupation is sex work. In some of the studies about this disease, other health problems have been identified. Carr [ 6 ] describes the Drop-in Centre established in Glasgow in to provide health services to street sex workers. Staff assumed that the women's needs would include contraception and HIV prevention; however, they quickly realized that the women had many medical problems, such as STDs, Prostitutes Valera problems, scabies, drug-related abscesses, and arterial thrombosis.

Carr Prostitutes Valera that sex workers who use drugs often neglect their health and seek care only when they are in the advanced stages of an illness. She states that her findings debunk the myth that STDs are the main health problem of sex workers and, further, that health care professionals need to rethink the provision of health care for sex workers. In their study of risk behaviors for HIV, Faugier, Cranfield, and Sargeant [ 8 ] interviewed drug-using and 50 non-drug-using female Prostitutes Valera workers in Manchester, England.

General health problems identified by these authors were poor antenatal care, hepatitis, malnutrition, and many different types of infections that were resistant to treatment. Identifying Prostitutes Valera need for more research on the general health-related concerns of commercial sex workers, Valera, Sawyer, and Schiraldi interviewed individuals 42 females, 32 males, and 26 male transgenders who worked as street prostitutes in Washington, DC [ 9 ].

The authors listed sixteen different physical health problems and reported the percentages of respondents in each of the three groups who acknowledged having a particular health condition. Only those relating to the female sex workers will be described here. Thirty women reported being raped since entering prostitution. Of Prostitutes Valera forty-two females interviewed, twelve Prostitutes Valera very small percentage 2.

Weiner [ 11 ] studied the social and medical needs of 1, streetwalking sex workers in New York. Using an ex-post facto design, she analyzed sex workers' responses on a two-page questionnaire that gathered information about demographics, sex and drug practices, risk reduction, and health history.

Gonorrhea, syphilis, tuberculosis, and hepatitis were the diseases mentioned by the women. Many sex workers also suffer from psychological problems. In another study, El-Bassel et al. Of the women interviewed, were classified as sex traders Prostitutes Valera who had traded sex for money or drugs Prostitutes Valera the 30 days prior to Prostitutes Valera interview and as non-sex traders women who had never traded sex for money or drugs Prostitutes Valera who had not done so in the 30 days prior to the interview.

The authors found that more sex traders than non-sex traders were homeless and had been raped within the past Prostitutes Valera. The Prostitutes Valera group also had significantly higher mean scores of psychological distress e. Finally, Burgos Prostitutes Valera al. The results of these studies reveal the range of the physical and psychological health problems of sex workers. To ensure that female sex Prostitutes Valera get the health care they need, research that specifically focuses on their general health problems and information needs is required.

The theoretical basis for studying the health problems and the information needs of Prostitutes Valera workers is Dervin's sense-making theory, the central concepts of which include time, space, movement, Prostitutes Valera gap [ 16 ]. To make sense of each new step, individuals call upon their prior knowledge or past experiences. Sense Prostitutes Valera focuses on how people define and deal with the Prostitutes Valera, bridge the gaps, and use the information to continue on their Prostitutes Valera.

This theory, which has been used in other health-related studies [ 19—21 Prostitutes Valera, provides a context in which to study the health problems and information needs of sex workers.

Many sex workers also suffer from psychological problems. Valera, Sawyer, and Schiraldi found that “42% of the [] prostitutes interviewed met the DSM-IV. A National Overview of Sex Trafficking and Prostitution Demand Reduction Shapiro, ; Schissel & Fedec, ; Urban Justice Center, ; Valera, ;.

Other factors in their life style e. This pilot study was designed to determine the general health problems of female sex workers in one inner city environment. The study was guided by the following questions:. This question was included to determine whether these diseases are Prostitutes Valera primary concern to sex workers. The researchers Baker and Case obtained permission to work with staff and volunteers of a multiservice agency that operates a van to provide outreach services to inner-city female sex workers.

Signs identifying the agency are put on the van to make it Prostitutes Valera identifiable. Specific streets in different Prostitutes Valera of the city are covered during afternoon, evening, or midnight shifts.

Prostitutes Valera van cruises these streets and stops for women who are known to the staff and volunteers to be sex workers. In addition, the van makes regular stops at many sites where sex workers are known to congregate, work, or live.

Because the agency has been providing this service for approximately fourteen years, many women are familiar with the van and approach it eagerly to obtain condoms, bleach kits, and personal hygiene items, as well as sandwiches and drinks.

Prostitutes Valera we wanted to ascertain the health problems of female sex workers, we used a purposive sample.

National Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence

The researchers used the nonparticipant complete observation technique to collect the data [ 24 ]. Thus, this method allowed us to gain access to the world of sex workers and to observe the women in their every day life. It also minimized the extent to which we disrupted the work of the agency and their contact with the women. We were also limited to this technique because the Human Investigation Committee of our institution demanded that we have the women sign an informed consent before we could talk with them.

The agency, however, did not want us to interfere with their Prostitutes Valera by having the women sign consent forms. To satisfy both requirements, we agreed not to talk with the sex workers who came to the van. Although this solution restricted our data collection, it still allowed us to gather some information about the health problems of sex workers.

Data collection took place during the fall of Prostitutes Valera researchers took turns riding in the van on the afternoon or evening shifts. As extra people in the vehicle, we were seated in the Prostitutes Valera and were not as Prostitutes Valera to the women as were the Prostitutes Valera and staff.

We were introduced to the sex workers by name only and did not communicate with them. Prostitutes Valera you like a Prostitutes Valera and a drink? Some women took this opportunity Prostitutes Valera talk for a few minutes with the volunteers and staff; other women responded quickly as they took the proffered items and walked away. We listened to the conversations between the volunteers, staff, and the sex workers to obtain an understanding of the women's lives, health problems, and health information needs.

Because we wanted to appear to be just other volunteers, we usually waited until the van left the sex worker to write down the health conditions the women mentioned. Occasionally, we were able to write brief notes during the actual conversations. We were also provided with more information from the volunteers who had had a better view of the women than we did.

For example, one volunteer informed us that a woman's Prostitutes Valera were puffy and her skin was flaky and cracking because of her heroin use.

Only the staff member Policicchio responsible for this outreach service knew the full extent of our study. Volunteers and other staff members were told that we were interested in the health concerns of the women.

They were requested not to ask specific questions about their health, so that we would hear health problems in the context of a woman's situation when she approached Prostitutes Valera van for services. Despite this request, one volunteer did occasionally ask about mammograms and pap smears.

The mean age of the sample was 34 SD 8.

We observed seventy-five women, the majority of whom were African American. For the Prostitutes Valera records, each woman Prostitutes Valera asked for her first name and birth date. The women ranged in age from nineteen years to sixty-one years; the average age was thirty-eight years.

To determine the nature of health problems experienced Prostitutes Valera the participants in this study, the researchers reviewed their notes and lists compiled during trips in the van. No attempt was made in this pilot study to quantify the data, because the objective of the study was only to ascertain types of health problems. The women voiced a considerable number of physical health concerns.

Respiratory problems included allergies, sinus infections, colds, pneumonia, and tuberculosis.

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Also mentioned was the need to be tested for tuberculosis TB or to have a TB test read. Two women under the age of 30 years had suffered strokes, which one of them attributed to the use of crack cocaine. Rape was also mentioned. Other health conditions identified by the women were dental problems, lip burns caused by hot crack pipes, facial rashes and sores, Prostitutes Valera, frost bite, swollen legs, bleeding ulcers, abscesses on legs, and cellulites or osteomyelitis. One woman had a fractured arm, while another had sutures in her head that needed to be removed.

A woman stated Prostitutes Valera had found a Prostitutes Valera in her breast but had not gone Prostitutes Valera a mammogram. Although most women acknowledged the need for mammograms or pap smears, few had had these tests done recently.

One woman approached the van and asked for antibiotic ointment for sores she had all over her body. Although the volunteer suggested the sores were related to AIDS, this assumption was not verified because Prostitutes Valera woman gave no indication of their cause. Everyone who approached the van wanted condoms and was instructed on the difference between Prostitutes Valera and vaginal ones contained in the packet.

When asked if they used condoms, most of the women responded positively. Psychological problems were also identified.

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Addiction to drugs Prostitutes Valera alcohol was prevalent among the sex workers we observed, but only a few of them expressed a desire to enter a rehabilitation program.

Depression, thoughts of suicide, and grief caused by the loss of a parent were Prostitutes Valera of the other problems mentioned by the women. Lack of information appeared to be a barrier to health care. Many of the women stated that they did not have health insurance or Medicaid and did not know how to obtain it.

Some women did not know where they could get health care. Others knew Prostitutes Valera should seek medical care, but, as noted by Carr [ 26 ], it seemed to be low on their list of priorities. The agency provides Prostitutes Valera workers with a number of services.

The interview included structured diagnostic assessment of DSM-IV PTSD; drug dependence; depression; experience of childhood trauma; and an assessment of sex working history.

This study examined rates of exposure to work-related violence and other traumatic events, and the prevalence of lifetime and current PTSD among female street-based sex workers. It also investigated associations between current PTSD and demographic characteristics, Prostitutes Valera comorbidity, injecting and sex risk behaviours and trauma history. The overwhelming Prostitutes Valera of women interviewed Prostitutes Valera this study Prostitutes Valera multiple traumas Prostitutes Valera their lifetime, with over half experiencing 6 or more events.

These women had many of the markers reported in the literature childhood trauma, family instability, mental health problems, rape and substance use as being associated with the risk of developing PTSD following exposure to traumatic events.

The majority had experienced child sexual abuse before the age of 16 years, a substantial proportion reported being seriously neglected as a child, and over half of the women reported leaving home before age 16 years.

The majority of women had experienced adult sexual assault, and drug dependence, severe depressive symptoms and suicidal ideation were prevalent. These findings are entirely consistent with previous research among sex workers Prostitutes Valera 45273154 ]. Prostitutes Valera women meeting criteria for current PTSD were more likely to report a greater number of traumas, serious neglect during childhood, and adult sexual assault.

This last point is particularly important, as these women continue to be exposed to the risk of sexual assault through their Prostitutes Valera, the very factor that is associated with their current PTSD symptoms. These women are at ongoing risk of further work-related trauma, so whilst they remain in the street-based sex industry, their PTSD symptoms are unlikely to recede.

Although Prostitutes Valera majority of women who met criteria for a lifetime diagnosis for PTSD reported having consulted a professional about issues associated with their trauma, Prostitutes Valera substantial proportion Prostitutes Valera to experience PTSD symptoms. Likewise, despite almost half the women reporting consulting a mental health professional in the past 6 months, high proportions reported severe current depression. It is important to consider then, whether traditional mental health care services are appropriate for this group, who have complex histories and high levels of psychiatric morbidity.

Mental health professionals need to be aware of the issues that are central for this group, particularly Prostitutes Valera respect to child sexual abuse and ongoing sexual Prostitutes Valera, which often engenders a lack of trust and difficulty with disclosure. There are also issues of stigma surrounding sex work that may prevent these women from engaging in therapy, and these may need to be addressed.

Very few indigenous women in this study reported Prostitutes Valera engagement with mental health services, and strategies to encourage this group to access such services are clearly required.

There are several factors that complicate treatment of PTSD among these women, one Prostitutes Valera which is the high prevalence of drug dependence.

Central to conventional cognitive behavioural approaches to PTSD intervention is the ability to cognitively confront traumas experienced, and assault victims who develop PTSD are characterised by extreme cognitive and behavioural avoidance [ 24 ].

There was some evidence to suggest that drug use among the women in this study was serving the purpose of reducing psychological distress through cognitive avoidance. This avoidance will undoubtedly affect treatment, and any psychological intervention for PTSD among these women should ensure that drug use is addressed. Treatment is further complicated by Prostitutes Valera interplay between PTSD and substance use, with previous research showing that unremitted PTSD is associated with poorer outcomes for substance use disorders [ 55 ].

Drug use is also Prostitutes Valera to target in order to reduce some of the associated risks. Previous research confirms that sex workers with a history of child sexual abuse and adult sexual assault Prostitutes Valera at elevated risk of attempting suicide compared to non-sex workers with a similar history [ 35 ], and these histories are prevalent among the women Prostitutes Valera the current study.

In addition to the risk of Prostitutes Valera, cocaine dependence was associated with increasingly risky injecting and sexual behaviours.

Education strategies for safe sex and drug use then clearly need to target these higher-risk injectors. More practically, targeting drug use may reduce the financial pressures for high-risk sex workers. Another factor complicating treatment is the ongoing exposure to work-related trauma for these women.

Much of the research on successful PTSD intervention recommends removing clients from the potential of exposure to further trauma [ 24 ] and establishing a safe environment before commencing therapy [ 20 ]. Given that current PTSD among these women is related to adult sexual assault which was reported as the most prevalent and most stressful traumaestablishing a safe environment and minimising their ongoing exposure to trauma would entail leaving the sex industry, where occupationally they are at risk of sexual assault on a daily basis.

This may be Prostitutes Valera for these women as many of them reported low levels of education.

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Sex work was the main source of income for the vast majority of women, Prostitutes Valera that they have limited employment alternatives. Indeed, some of the women cited limited alternatives and lack of other job skills as reasons for remaining in the sex industry.

The nature of PTSD interventions may also be difficult to employ with these women. Imaginal exposure in which the client relives the trauma in their imagination with the assistance of the therapist is a central component of therapy [ 56 ], and has received strong support as an effective treatment for PTSD among sexual assault survivors [ 24 ].

It is difficult to implement when Prostitutes Valera is ongoing trauma, as it is a psychologically demanding strategy [ 40 ]. In addition, social support is an important protective factor in minimising these demands, but very few of these women reported supportive relationships.

Imaginal Prostitutes Valera would not be an appropriate strategy to employ with these women until such time as their physical safety could be guaranteed. Conventional PTSD interventions may not be effective for these women, and alternative strategies may need to be employed.

Given Prostitutes Valera issues of Prostitutes Valera avoidance and drug use among this group, more behaviourally focused strategies may be useful. These might include harm reduction strategies such as teaching the women how to recognise the signs of distress, and how to minimise them. There is some evidence to suggest that simple relaxation techniques may be successful in minimising trauma-related distress among sexual assault victims [ 57 Prostitutes Valera and they require relatively few cognitive demands [ 58 ].

Increased awareness of and access to crisis telephone lines and mental health services may also be useful. Agencies providing outreach services to this group could promote and provide mental health and referral contacts to those women wishing to seek assistance. Provision of mental health Prostitutes Valera via outreach would also be a useful adjunct to existing services. Research in the U. Motivational interviewing a method designed to evoke intrinsic motivation for change in health risk behaviours by resolving ambivalence [ 61 ] has been shown to be particularly useful for targeting drug use among street-based sex workers [ Prostitutes Valera ].

While Prostitutes Valera is evidence against the efficacy of brief interventions targeting PTSD symptoms [ 62 ], these techniques may be useful for targeting other mental health problems among this group, thereby reducing the associated risks. Psychological interventions for street-based sex workers should be specifically tailored to their needs, and they should be flexible, as many of these women have little stability in their lives.

High levels of homelessness make it difficult for these women to access community resources, as well as complicating agency service provision. Prostitutes Valera, assistance with welfare and access to housing should remain a priority for agencies that serve as a first point of contact for this group, as without such stability drug treatment programs and psychological interventions are unlikely to be effective.

At a more basic level, the ongoing risk of exposure to trauma among these women needs to be targeted, as it is associated with current PTSD in this group. There needs to be continued liaison between the police and outreach workers about the negotiation of legal and safe places for these women to work.

A high proportion of women in the current sample reported providing their services in cars, which may increase the risk of work-related violence. The overwhelming majority reported experiencing work-related violence however, very low proportions had reported these incidents to police. In order to encourage more women to report work-related violence, there should Prostitutes Valera an ongoing police commitment to the provision of sex work liaison officers in Prostitutes Valera local areas where street sex work is conducted.

Many of the Prostitutes Valera reported positive experiences with liaison officers when reporting assaults, and any encouragement Prostitutes Valera these women to engage with police is important as it may reduce the risks they face on a Prostitutes Valera basis. Conflict between Prostitutes Valera and street-based sex workers most often occurs due to the women soliciting in an area that is prohibited under the Summary Offences Act19 1.

Police are under constant pressure from local businesses and residents to move the women out of these areas, which can result in the police pressuring the women.

Ongoing dialogue between police, outreach Prostitutes Valera and sex workers would Prostitutes Valera only help to relieve some of this tension, but it would also minimise the disruption to the broader community [ 5 ]. Finally, safety measures such as the provision of personal distress alarms through outreach services may minimise the risk of repeated exposure to trauma for Prostitutes Valera women.

These Prostitutes Valera have several implications for Prostitutes Valera research. Firstly, the Prostitutes Valera of safe houses needs to be addressed, as a proportion of women in the current sample continued to provide services in cars, despite safe houses being available in the Kings Cross area.

Research is needed to investigate the reasons safe houses are not Prostitutes Valera utilised, as well as what changes might be required to encourage greater use of existing safe houses.

This research may provide vital information for the establishment of additional safe Prostitutes Valera outside the inner city area. Given the prevalence of cocaine dependence among this group and the increased potential for injection-related and sexual risk behaviours, Prostitutes Valera research is required on Prostitutes Valera, and Prostitutes Valera, sex workers use drugs to facilitate their work, and what impact, if any, this has on the nature of the encounter e.

Does it limit their ability to negotiate safe sex? Does it increase their vulnerability to violence? Finally, more research is required on the nature of psychological Prostitutes Valera that would be most effective for street-based sex workers, and trialling brief psychological interventions via existing Prostitutes Valera services would be a useful start.

The findings of this study refer to street-based sex workers, who differ from sex workers employed in other sectors of the industry on several domains [ 52834 ]. Street-based sex workers in other Australian jurisdictions are also likely to differ from the current sample due to different legislation.

Inherent to any study of marginalised populations engaging in stigmatised activities is the issue of sample representativeness, which is difficult to achieve among these groups. Findings from the current study may be more indicative of those women who were willing to participate.

One recruitment strategy utilised in an attempt to overcome this limitation Prostitutes Valera personal introductions to the women, facilitated by outreach workers who knew the women and the areas well. The female street-based sex workers interviewed for this study reported complex histories of trauma, and the Prostitutes Valera reported experiencing work-related violence. Current PTSD was more prevalent among these women than in the general population, and may be complicated by ongoing exposure to trauma, due to risks they face every day at work.

These findings raise several issues. Firstly, outreach services to street-based sex workers remain crucial, in order to provide links with health and welfare services, and strategies to increase these women's personal safety. Second, that so many of the women continue to experience mental health problems, despite access to health services suggests that current models of service provision are not sufficient to address the problems among this group. More targeted intervention programs and more integrated models of care need to be Prostitutes Valera given the high comorbidity of mental health and substance use problems, and the interplay between the two.

Despite the legality of street-based sex work in NSW, it is an occupation that continues to be surrounded by stigma, which impacts on these women Prostitutes Valera work-related violence. The legality of street-based sex work in NSW does not provide sufficient protection against this violence and again, ongoing outreach efforts of harm minimisation, including police liaison, are crucial.

Every effort should be made to encourage these women to report incidents to the police in an effort to minimise the ongoing risks they face at work.

Finally, while education that targets safe sex and injecting practices among sex workers should Prostitutes Valera a priority given the high rate of problems Prostitutes Valera among this group, and the risks they face due to contact with multiple sex partnersit is recognised that these strategies will remain compromised within the context of the high prevalence of rape reported among this group.

Annual Review of Sex Research.

General health problems of inner-city sex workers: a pilot study

Aids Care. Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Article Google Scholar. Farley M, Barkan H: Prostitution, violence and posttraumatic Prostitutes Valera disorder. Women and Health. Violence Against Women. British Medical Journal. Trauma, Violence and Abuse.

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Article PubMed Google Scholar. Higgins JN: Traumatic stress reactions in police. Google Scholar. The American Journal of Psychiatry.

Journal of Traumatic Stress. American Journal of Psychiatry. Perkins R: Working Girls: Prostitutes, their life and social control. Australian Studies in Law, Crime and Justice. Biological Psychiatry. Prostitutes Valera JD: Childhood physical abuse and combat-related posttraumatic stress disorder in Vietnam veterans. McKenzie N: Family Prostitutes Valera past history of mental illness as predisposing factors in Prostitutes Valera stress disorder. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics.

Trauma and substance abuse. Psychological Medicine. Orjan F, Rimmo P: Trauma exposure and posttraumatic stress disorder in the general population. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. American Prostitutes Valera of Health Studies. Journal of Homosexuality. Travis G: Soliciting in Darlinghurst: Female, transsexual and male street prostitutes talk about Prostitutes Valera work. Perkins R, Bennet G: Being a prostitute.

American Journal of Public Health.

Perceived health needs of inner-city street prostitutes: a preliminary study

Crime and Delinquency. Gilchrist G, Gruer L, Atkinson J: Comparison of drug use and psychiatric morbidity between prostitute and non-prostitute female drug users in Glasgow, Scotland. Addictive Behaviors. Prostitutes Valera Psychology Review. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behaviour. Prostitutes Valera Journal of Mental and Nervous Disease.

Guidance for partnerships and providers. Jeal Prostitutes Valera, Salisbury C: A health needs assessment of street-based prostitutes: cross-sectional survey. Journal of Public Health. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. Brit J Addiction. Pediatric and perinatal. Roxburgh A. A study at a London community drug team. The British Journal of Psychiatry.

In one study of prostitutes in Washington, DC, 73% of transgender participants stated they desired to leave prostitution (Valera et al., ). Some studies. Kurtz et al [6] examined the characteristics of female sex workers who had Valera RJ, Sawyer RG, Schiraldi GR: Violence and posttraumatic.

Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy. Biofeedback and Self-Regulation. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment. Download references. The authors would like to acknowledge Briony Larance and Gabrielle Campbell, both of whom assisted with data collection. They generously provided their time as well as insightful input into the development of the questionnaire, and assisted greatly with recruitment of the women that took part in this study. Finally, and most Prostitutes Valera, we are indebted to the 72 women interviewed Prostitutes Valera this project, who generously gave their time and spoke openly about their involvement in the sex industry.

You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar. Correspondence to Amanda Roxburgh. AR Prostitutes Valera involved in obtaining ethics approval from the appropriate bodies, design of the study, data collection, performing statistical analysis, conducting a detailed literature review and drafting the manuscript. LD conceived of the study, participated in its design, and provided detailed structural comment on, and assistance with Prostitutes Valera the manuscript.

JC assisted with the study design Prostitutes Valera provided comment on the content of the manuscript. All Prostitutes Valera read and approved the final manuscript. Reprints and Permissions. Roxburgh, A.

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Download PDF. These findings relate to war veterans [ 10 , 25 ], as well as individuals who have experienced child sexual abuse [ 8 ].
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In addition, in a survey of 26 MTF prostitutes in Washington D. C., Valera et al. (​) found that 35% reported being raped since they entered prostitution. The. Roberto J. Valera, Robin G. Sawyer, and Glenn R. Schiraldi. American Journal of female, male and transgender male street prostitutes. The authors note. ATTITUDES TOWARD PROSTITUTION AND ACCEPTANCE OF RAPE OF INNER-CITY STREET PROSTITUTES, Roberto J. Valera, Robin G. Sawyer, and.

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General health problems of inner-city sex workers: a pilot study

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We listened to the conversations between the volunteers, staff, and the sex workers to obtain an understanding of the women's lives, health problems, and health information needs. Research among police officers in the U. Prostitutes Valera authors listed sixteen different physical health problems and reported the percentages of respondents in each of the three groups who acknowledged having a particular health condition. Previous literature suggests that sex workers may have many Prostitutes Valera these risk factors. Conflict between police and street-based sex workers most often occurs due to the women soliciting in an area that is prohibited under the Summary Offences Act19 1. Limitations Continue reading findings of this study refer to street-based sex workers, who differ from sex workers employed in other sectors of the industry on several domains [ Prostitutes Valera2834 ]. Google Scholar