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Urban History Race, space and the regulation of prostitution in colonial Hong Kong.

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The Cantonments Act of and the Indian Contagious Diseases Act of jointly organized the sex trade within military cantonments and enabled supervision. Venereal diseases posed a big challenge in the cantonment areas because the troops contracted them on account of their peccadilloes. To alleviate this dreaded.

The home itself was designed as an amalgam of a workhouse, a lock hospital, and the reformatory Magdalene Homes of the pres.

Duke University Press.

It will highlight a shifting focus from the health solely of Prostitutes Cantonment military to that of the population more broadly. In March the funds were granted, with additional money provided in December.

It would be a mistake to portray the home as unnecessarily punitive as there had been terrible abuses of children in brothels throughout India and the rules were as much to protect the children as to prevent them leaving.

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As such, the memorandum marked the final rejection of formal military regulation and the shifting of the imperative to act onto municipalities and local administrations.

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And what were the effects of these changes on prostitutes and the treatment of venereal diseases? Lester, 'Imperial circuits and networks: geographies of the British Empire ', History Compass , ,
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The existence of large number of native prostitutes in the British military cantonments from the midth century was accepted as part of common. Venereal diseases posed a big challenge in the cantonment areas because the troops contracted them on account of their peccadilloes. To alleviate this dreaded.

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DSP Tenge said the activities of the suspects were importuning for immoral purpose contrary to section of Criminal Offence ActAct Therefore, military administrators approved Prostitutes Cantonment brothels in cantonments. The unwillingness or inability of the municipality to register prostitutes encouraged them into the city. Major, A. Prostitutes Cantonment Rana. The colonial government had a profound effect on prostitution in India, both legislatively and socially. Other Abolitionists viewed state sanctioned prostitution as morally offensive and harmful.