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From the standpoint of reported cases and deaths, government-controlled parts of Donbas are among the parts of the country least affected by the epidemic.

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Hide Footnote Yanukovych denies having engaged in illegal self-enrichment.

De facto separatist authorities expropriated Ukrainian-registered enterprises, reportedly often forcibly. These advances reportedly secured negligible strategic benefit.

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Years of conflict have exacerbated the economic woes of Donbas, once an industrial powerhouse. This report examines the economic underpinnings of the Donbas conflict both historically and today.
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This arrangement was controversial among many who had fought with the Ukrainian government, as well as other hardline Ukrainian Prostitutes Antratsyt. To the extent it helps matters to proceed in this direction in measured steps, economist Prostitutes Antratsyt Kushch has suggested Prostitutes Antratsyt number of pilot zones where Ukrainian entities might begin to resume control of their assets, including the coal and steel hubs of Anthracite in Luhansk oblast and Yenakievo-Makeevka in Prostitutes Antratsyt. To start with, Kyiv can throw an economic lifeline to the desperate pensioners living in separatist-controlled territory Prostitutes Antratsyt have not been able to collect their Ukrainian pensions. Meanwhile, the two sides are drifting farther apart, and the costs of conflict are continuing to mount. Now it is officially home to some 46, residents, including 29, registered IDPs, of whom about 8, reportedly live there, while the rest visit periodically to claim their pensions. Under the Minsk framework, peace will require Kyiv to reintegrate the breakaway regions while offering them a measure of political autonomy. At the same time, the anthracite mines in de facto controlled territory have struggled to find alternative customers for their output, which a coal-saturated Russia does not want.