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Colmar Brunton. Main article: Recognition of same-sex unions in India. On 11 Februarythe Congress of Coahuila approved adoptions by same-sex couples.

The Court demanded that governments "guarantee access to all existing forms of domestic legal systems, including the right to marriage, in order to ensure the protection of all the rights of families formed by same-sex couples without discrimination". Recognizing the difficulty in passing such laws in countries where there is strong opposition to same-sex marriage, it recommended that governments pass temporary decrees until new legislation is brought in.

The ruling has directly led to the legalization of same-sex marriage in Costa Rica and Ecuador. Sex dating Cuauhtemoc the wake of the ruling, lawsuits regarding same-sex marriage have also been filed in Bolivia, Honduras, [66] Panama, [67] Paraguay to recognize marriages performed abroad[68] and Peru, [69] all of which are under the jurisdiction of the IACHR. On 15 Julythe Argentine Senate approved a bill extending marriage rights to same-sex couples.

The law came into effect on 22 July upon promulgation by the Argentine President. Australia became the second nation in Oceania to legalise same-sex marriage when the Australian Parliament passed a bill on 7 December Since 1 Januarysame-sex couples have been allowed to enter registered partnerships Eingetragene Partnerschaft. In Decemberthe Vienna Administrative Court dismissed a case challenging the same-sex marriage ban. The plaintiffs appealed to the Constitutional Court, Sex dating Cuauhtemoc struck down the ban on same-sex marriage as unconstitutional on 5 Decemberwith effect from 1 January The Court also decided that civil unions will be open for both same-sex and different-sex couples from that date onwards.

Belgium became the second country in the world to legally recognize same-sex marriages when a bill passed by the Belgian Federal Parliament took effect on 1 June A statute legalized adoption by same-sex spouses. On 14 Maythe Justice's National Council of Brazil legalized same-sex marriage in the entire country in a 14—1 vote by issuing a ruling that orders all civil registers of the country to perform same-sex marriages and convert any existing civil union into a marriage, if the couple wish so.

The ruling was published on 15 May and took effect on 16 May It included almost all of the rights available to married couples in Brazil.

Between mid and Maysame-sex couples had their cohabitation issues converted into marriages in several Brazil states with the approval of a state judge. All legal Brazilian marriages were always recognized all Sex dating Cuauhtemoc Brazil. In Rio de Janeirosame-sex couples could also marry but only if local judges agreed with their request.

Legal recognition of same-sex marriage in Canada followed a series of constitutional challenges based on the equality provisions of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

In the first such Sex dating Cuauhtemoc, Halpern v. Canada Attorney Generalsame-sex marriage ceremonies performed in Ontario on 14 January were subsequently validated when the common lawmixed-sex definition Sex dating Cuauhtemoc marriage was held to be unconstitutional. Similar rulings had already legalized same-sex marriage in eight provinces and one territory when the Civil Marriage Act defined marriage throughout Canada as "the lawful union of two persons to the exclusion of all others".

In Februarya series of rulings by the Constitutional Court meant that same-sex couples could Sex dating Cuauhtemoc for all the rights that heterosexual couples have in de facto unions uniones de hecho. On 26 Julythe Constitutional Court of Colombia Sex dating Cuauhtemoc the Congress to pass legislation giving same-sex couples similar rights to marriage by 20 June If such a law were not passed by Sex dating Cuauhtemoc, same-sex couples would be granted these rights automatically.

Congress failed to pass same-sex marriage legislation, but the civil registries did not begin issuing marriage licenses to Sex dating Cuauhtemoc couples after the Sex dating Cuauhtemoc. This was the first same-sex couple married in Colombia. In Septembertwo civil court judges married two same-sex couples. On 28 Aprilthe Sex dating Cuauhtemoc uncertainty around same-sex unions was resolved when the Constitutional Court ruled that same-sex couples are allowed to enter into civil marriages in the country and that judges and notaries are barred from refusing to perform same-sex weddings.

On 10 Februarythe Constitutional Court of Costa Rica announced it would hear a case seeking to legalize same-sex marriage in Costa Rica and declare the country's same-sex marriage ban unconstitutional. Carlos Alvarado Quesadawho supports LGBT rights and favors the implementation of the ruling, won the election with Sex dating Cuauhtemoc On 8 Augustthe Supreme Court of Costa Rica ruled that the prohibition of same-sex marriage in the Family Code is unconstitutional, giving Congress 18 months to reform the law or the prohibition will be automatically Sex dating Cuauhtemoc.

As the Congress did not act, same-sex marriage in Costa Rica became legal on Sex dating Cuauhtemoc May in line with the court ruling. On 25 MayDenmark became the first country to legally recognize registered partnerships between same-sex couples. A registered partnership was the same as a civil marriage, but was not seen as marriage in the eyes of the church.

On 7 Junethe Folketing Danish Parliament approved new laws regarding same-sex civil and religious marriage. These laws permit same-sex couples to get married in the Church of Denmark. The bills received royal assent on 12 June and took effect on 15 June On 26 MayGreenlandone of two other constituent countries in the Realm of Denmarkunanimously passed a law legalizing same-sex marriage.

On 29 April the Faroe Islandsthe realm's other constituent country, passed a same-sex marriage bill. The law took effect on 1 July In Maythe Ecuador Supreme Court ruled, in a lesbian parenting case, that the IACHR ruling is fully binding on Ecuador and that the country must also implement the ruling in due course.

Same sex marriage eventually took effect in Ecuador on 8 Julyfollowing the Constitutional Court ruling which Sex dating Cuauhtemoc made on Sex dating Cuauhtemoc June Same-sex Registered partnerships have been legal in Finland since A citizens' initiative was launched to put the issue before the Parliament of Finland. The bill passed the second and final vote by —90 on 12 December[] and was signed by the President on 20 February The law took effect on 1 March Since NovemberFrance Sex dating Cuauhtemoc had a civil union scheme known as a civil solidarity pact that is open to both opposite-sex and same-sex couples.

The French Government introduced a bill to legalize same-sex marriage, Billin the National Assembly on 17 November It received final approval in the National Assembly in a — vote on 23 April Sex dating Cuauhtemoc The law also allows the recognition in France of same-sex couples' marriages that occurred abroad before the bill's enactment.

The main right-wing opposition party UMP challenged the law in the Constitutional Councilwhich had one month to rule Sex dating Cuauhtemoc whether the law conformed to the Constitution. On 17 Maythe Constitutional Council declared the bill legal in its entirety.

Prior to the legalization of same-sex marriage, Germany was one of the first countries to legislate registered partnerships Eingetragene Lebenspartnerschaft for same-sex couples, which provided most of the rights of marriage. The law came into effect on 1 Augustand the act was progressively amended on subsequent occasions to reflect court rulings expanding the rights of registered partners. Same-sex marriage has been legal in Germany since 1 October Same-sex marriage was introduced in Iceland through legislation establishing a gender-neutral definition of marriage introduced by the Coalition Government of the Social Democratic Alliance and Left-Green Movement.

The legislation was passed unanimously by the Icelandic Althing on 11 Juneand took Sex dating Cuauhtemoc on 27 Junereplacing an Sex dating Cuauhtemoc system of registered partnerships for same-sex couples.

Prior to the legalization of same-sex marriage, the Civil Partnership and Certain Rights and Obligations of Cohabitants Act allowed same sex couples to enter civil partnerships. The Act came into force on 1 January and gave same-sex couples rights and responsibilities similar to, but not equal to, those of civil marriage. On 22 MayIreland held a referendum that proposed to add to the Irish Constitution : "marriage may be contracted in accordance with law by two persons without distinction as to their sex.

Higgins signed Sex dating Cuauhtemoc result of the May referendum into law, [] which made Ireland the first Sex dating Cuauhtemoc in the world to approve same-sex marriage at a nationwide referendum. The Sex dating Cuauhtemoc approved a bill to legalize same-sex Sex dating Cuauhtemoc on 18 June Luxembourg thus became the first country in the European Sex dating Cuauhtemoc to have a prime minister Sex dating Cuauhtemoc is in a same-sex marriage, and the second one in Europe.

Malta has recognized same-sex unions since Aprilfollowing the enactment of the Civil Unions Actfirst introduced in September It established civil unions with same rights, responsibilities, and obligations as marriage, including the right of joint adoption and recognition of foreign same-sex marriage.

The first foreign same-sex marriage was Sex dating Cuauhtemoc on 29 April and the first civil union was performed on 14 Sex dating Cuauhtemoc It was signed into law and published in the Government Gazette on 1 August In individual cases, same-sex couples have been given judicial Sex dating Cuauhtemoc to marry in all other states. Since August Sex dating Cuauhtemoc, same-sex marriages performed within Mexico are recognized by the 31 states without exception.

On 18 Decemberthe ruling party, Morena, introduced a constitutional amendment that would legalize marriage at the federal level and require all states to adjust their laws correspondingly.

On 21 Decemberthe Legislative Assembly of Mexico City formerly the Federal District of Mexico City legalized same-sex marriages and adoption by same-sex couples. The law was enacted eight days later and became effective in early March On 28 Novemberthe first two same-sex marriages occurred in Quintana Roo after it was discovered that Quintana Roo's Civil Code did not explicitly prohibit same-sex marriage, [] but these marriages were later Sex dating Cuauhtemoc by the Governor of Quintana Roo in April On 11 Februarythe Congress of Coahuila approved adoptions by same-sex couples.

A bill legalizing same-sex marriages passed on 1 Septembermaking Coahuila the first state and second jurisdiction after Mexico City to reform its Civil Code to allow for legal same-sex marriages. On 12 Junethe Governor of Chihuahua announced that his administration would no longer oppose same-sex marriages in the state. The order was effective immediately, thus making Chihuahua the third state to legalize such unions.

On 3 Junethe Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation released a "jurisprudential thesis" that found state-laws defining marriage as a union between a man and a woman unconstitutional. The ruling standardized court procedures across Mexico to authorize same-sex marriages. However, the process is still lengthy and more expensive than that for an opposite-sex marriage, as the ruling did not invalidate any Sex dating Cuauhtemoc laws, meaning same-sex couples will be denied the right to wed and will have to turn to the courts for individual injunctions Spanish : amparo.

However, given the nature of the ruling, judges and courts throughout Mexico must approve any application for a same-sex marriage.

The Netherlands was the first country to extend marriage laws to include same-sex couples, following the recommendation of a special commission appointed to investigate the issue in A same-sex marriage bill passed the House of Representatives and the Senate Sex dating Cuauhtemoctaking effect on 1 April In the Dutch Caribbean special municipalities of Sex dating Cuauhtemoc, Sint Eustatius and Sabamarriage is open to same-sex couples.

Sex dating Cuauhtemoc law enabling same-sex couples to marry in these municipalities passed and came into effect on 10 October Civil unions are available in Aruba since October New Zealand's dependent territory, Tokelauand associated states, Cook Islands and Niuehave their own marriage laws and do not perform or recognize same-sex Sex dating Cuauhtemoc.

Same-sex marriage became legal in Norway on 1 January when a gender-neutral marriage bill came into effect after being passed by the Norwegian legislature, the Stortingin June Gender-neutral marriage replaced Norway's previous system of registered partnerships for same-sex couples.

Couples in registered partnerships are able to retain that status or convert their registered partnership to a marriage. No new registered partnerships may be created.

Portugal created de facto unions similar to common-law marriage for cohabiting opposite-sex partners inand extended these unions to same-sex couples in However, the extension did not allow for same-sex adoption, either jointly or of stepchildren. On 11 FebruaryParliament approved a bill legalizing same-sex marriage. The Portuguese President promulgated the law on 8 April and the law was effective on 5 Junemaking Portugal the eighth country to legalize nationwide same-sex marriage; however, adoption was still denied for same-sex couples.

In Decemberthe Portuguese Parliament approved a bill to allow adoption rights for same-sex couples. Serbia has not yet recognised Same-sex marriage, but the topic is under discussion from 9 February until 28 February It will be presented to the Parliament and likely pass until end of first half of Legal recognition of same-sex marriages in South Africa came about as a result of the Constitutional Court 's decision in the case of Minister of Home Affairs v Fourie.

The court ruled on 1 December that the existing marriage laws violated the equality clause of the Bill of Rights because they discriminated on the basis of sexual orientation. The court gave Parliament one year to rectify the inequality. It became law on 30 November South Africa became the fifth country, the first in Africa, and the second outside Europe, to legalize same-sex marriage. Spain was the third country in the world to legalize same-sex marriage on 3 July King Juan Carlos signed it on 1 July Same-sex marriage in Sweden has been legal since 1 Mayfollowing the adoption of a new gender-neutral law on marriage by the Swedish Parliament on 1 Aprilmaking Sweden the seventh country in the world to open marriage to same-sex couples nationwide.

Marriage replaced Sex dating Cuauhtemoc registered partnerships for same-sex couples. Existing registered partnerships between same-sex couples remained in force with an option to convert them into marriages. Taiwan is the first country in Asia where same-sex marriage is legal. It was also ruled that if the law was not amended after two years, same-sex couples would automatically be able to register valid marriage applications in Taiwan.

Same-sex marriage is legal in all parts of the Sex dating Cuauhtemoc Kingdom. As marriage is a devolved legislative matterdifferent parts of the UK legalised same-sex marriage at different times; it has been recognised and performed in England and Wales since Marchin Scotland since Decemberand in Northern Ireland since January Same-sex marriage is legal in nine of the fourteen British Overseas Territories.

Civil partnerships were legalized in the Cayman Islands on 4 September An appeal by the government of Bermuda of a lower court's ruling for same-sex marriage is scheduled Sex dating Cuauhtemoc be heard in February Same-sex marriage is legal in the Crown dependencies.

It has been recognised and performed in the Isle of Man since 22 Julyin Jersey since 1 Julyand in the Bailiwick of Guernsey at different times: in the jurisdiction of Guernsey since 2 Mayin Alderney since 14 Juneand in Sark since 23 April Sincesame-sex couples have been allowed to enter into civil partnershipsa separate union providing the legal consequences of marriage. Inthe High Court rejected a legal bid by a British lesbian couple who had married in Canada to have their union recognized as a marriage in the UK rather than a civil partnership.

Same-sex marriage in the United States Sex dating Cuauhtemoc from one state in to all fifty states in through various state court rulings, state legislation, direct popular votes, and federal court rulings. The fifty states each have separate marriage lawswhich must adhere to rulings by the Supreme Court of the United States that recognize marriage as a fundamental right that is guaranteed by both the Due Process Clause and the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitutionas first established in the landmark civil rights case of Loving v.

Civil Sex dating Cuauhtemoc campaigning in support of marriage without distinction as to sex or sexual orientation began in the s. Nelson saw the Supreme Court of the United States decline to become involved.

Lewin that it was unconstitutional Sex dating Cuauhtemoc the state constitution for the state to abridge marriage on the basis of sex.

That ruling led to federal and state actions to explicitly abridge marriage on the basis of sex in order to prevent the marriages of same-sex couples from being recognized by law, the most prominent of which was Sex dating Cuauhtemoc federal DOMA. Department of Public Health that it was unconstitutional under the state constitution for Sex dating Cuauhtemoc state to abridge marriage on the basis of sex. From through toas the tide of public opinion continued to move towards support of same-sex marriage, various state court rulings, state Sex dating Cuauhtemoc, direct popular votes referendums and initiativesand federal court rulings established same-sex marriage in thirty-six of the fifty Sex dating Cuauhtemoc.

Windsorleading to federal recognition of same-sex marriage, with federal benefits for married couples connected to either the state of residence or the state in which the marriage was solemnized. In Junethe Supreme Court ruled in the landmark civil rights Sex dating Cuauhtemoc of Obergefell v. Hodges that the fundamental right of same-sex couples to marry on the same terms and conditions as opposite-sex couples, with all the accompanying rights and responsibilities, is guaranteed by both the Due Process Clause and the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.

It is not legal in American Samoaamid legal uncertainty over whether the US Constitution applies there in full. Native American Tribal Nations also have their own same-sex marriage legislation. The United States of America is the most populous country in the world to have established same-sex marriage nationwide. Uruguay's Chamber of Deputies passed a bill on 12 Decemberto extend marriage rights to same-sex couples. Sex dating Cuauhtemoc 10 Aprilthe Chamber of Deputies passed the amended bill by a two-thirds majority 71— The president promulgated the law on 3 May and it took effect on 5 August.

Armenia has historically had few protections or recognition in law of same-sex couples. This changed in Julywhen the Ministry of Justice revealed that all marriages performed abroad are valid in Armenia, including marriages between people of the same sex.

As of early"no such recognition has yet been documented. The Bulgarian Constitution forbids the legalization of same-sex marriage, stipulating that marriage can only be between a man and a woman. In latea Bulgarian same-sex couple, who married in the United Kingdomfiled a lawsuit in order to have their marriage recognized. A Sofia court granted a same-sex couple the right to live in Bulgaria on 29 June The couple, an Australian woman and her French spouse, had married in France inbut were denied Sex dating Cuauhtemoc in Bulgaria a year later when they attempted to move there.

Polling shows majority support for same-sex marriage among Chileans. The Government announced that they would drop their opposition to same-sex marriage. A formal agreement between the two parties and the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights was signed in April Sex dating Cuauhtemoc On 28 JanuarySex dating Cuauhtemoc National Congress approved a bill recognizing civil unions for same-sex and opposite-sex couples offering some of the rights of marriage.

President Michele Bachelet signed the bill on 14 April, and it came into effect on 22 October. In SeptemberPresident Bachelet stated before a United Nations General Assembly panel that the Chilean Government would submit a same-sex marriage bill to Congress in the first half of On 16 Januarythe bill was approved in the Senate by a 22 to 16 vote, then headed to the Sex dating Cuauhtemoc committee. The Inter-American Court of Human Rights ruling regarding the legalization of same-sex marriage in countries that have ratified the American Convention on Human Rights applies to Chile.

The Marriage Law of the People's Republic of China explicitly defines marriage as the union between one man and one woman. No other form of civil union is recognized. The attitude of the Chinese Government towards homosexuality is believed to be "three nos": "No approval; no disapproval; no promotion. According to Chinese law, 35 delegates' signatures are needed to Sex dating Cuauhtemoc an issue a bill to be discussed in the Congress.

Her efforts failed due to lack of support from the delegates. He argued that same-sex marriage was not recognized even in many Western countries, which are considered much more liberal in social issues than China. On 5 Januarya court in Changshasouthern Sex dating Cuauhtemoc Provinceagreed to hear Sex dating Cuauhtemoc lawsuit of year-old Sun Wenlin filed in December against the Bureau of Civil Affairs of Furong District for its June refusal to let him marry his year-old male partner, Hu Mingliang.

On 13 Aprilwith hundreds of same-sex marriage supporters outside, the Changsha court ruled Sex dating Cuauhtemoc Sun, who vowed to appeal, citing the importance of his case for LGBT progress in China. The Cuban Constitution prohibited same-sex marriage until February In Maythe Government announced that the Union of Jurists Sex dating Cuauhtemoc Cuba is working on a new family code, which would address same-sex marriage.

Before the October electionLGBT activists started a public campaign with the aim of achieving same-sex marriage within the next four years. In Augusta lawyer in El Salvador filed a lawsuit before the country's Supreme Court asking for the nullification of Article 11 Sex dating Cuauhtemoc the Family Code, which defines marriage as a heterosexual union.

Labeling the law as discriminatory and explaining the lack of gendered terms used in Article 34 of the Constitution 's summary of marriage, the lawsuit sought to allow same-sex couples the right to wed. A second lawsuit against the same-sex marriage ban was filed on 11 November In Octoberthe Estonian legislature, the Riigikoguapproved a civil union law open to both opposite-sex and same-sex couples. Implementing acts have yet to be passed while debate on the subject is still ongoing.

Ina man filed a challenge against Georgia's same-sex marriage ban, arguing that while the Civil Code of Georgia states that marriage is explicitly between a Sex dating Cuauhtemoc and a woman; the Constitution does not reference gender in its Sex dating Cuauhtemoc on marriage.

In Septemberthe Georgian Parliament approved a constitutional amendment establishing marriage as "a union between a woman and a man for the purpose of creating a family". Parliament overrode his veto on 13 October.

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In AprilMedha Patkar of the Aam Aadmi Party stated that her party supports the legalization of same-sex marriage. As ofa draft of a Uniform Civil Code that would legalize same-sex marriage has been proposed. Although same-sex couples are not legally recognized currently by any form, performing a symbolic same-sex marriage is Sex dating Cuauhtemoc prohibited under Indian law either. Inseveral court cases were filed seeking a right to same-sex marriage under India's various denominational and non-denominational marriage laws.

InIsrael's High Court of Justice ruled to recognize foreign same-sex marriages for the limited purpose of registration with the Administration of Border Crossings, Population and Immigration; however, this is merely for statistical purposes and grants no state-level rights. Israel does not recognize civil marriages performed under its own jurisdiction. A bill was raised in the Knesset Israeli Parliament to rescind the High Court's ruling, but the Knesset did not advance the bill.

A bill to legalize same-sex and interfaith civil marriages was defeated in the Knesset, 39—11, on 16 May In Novemberthe National LGBT Taskforce of Israel petitioned the Supreme Court of Israel to allow same-sex marriage in Sex dating Cuauhtemoc country, arguing that the refusal of the rabbinical court to recognize same-sex marriage should not prevent civil courts from performing same-sex marriages. Opinion polls have shown that Israelis overwhelmingly support recognizing same-sex unions.

The cities of BolognaNaples and Fano began recognizing same-sex marriages from other jurisdictions in July[] [] followed by EmpoliPordenoneUdine and Trieste in September, [] [] [] and FlorencePiombinoMilan and Rome in October, [] [] and by Bagheria in November.

A January Datamonitor poll found that On 25 FebruarySex dating Cuauhtemoc Italian Senate passed a bill allowing civil unions with senators in favor and 73 against. That same bill was approved by the Chamber of Deputies on 11 Sex dating Cuauhtemoc with deputies in favor and 51 against. On 31 Januarythe Italian Supreme Court of Cassation ruled that same-sex marriages performed abroad can be fully recognized by court order, when at least one of the two spouses is a citizen of a European Union country where same-sex marriage is Sex dating Cuauhtemoc.

Same-sex marriage is not legal in Japan. Article 24 of the Japanese Constitution states that "Marriage shall be based only on the mutual consent of both sexes and it shall be maintained through mutual cooperation with the equal rights of husband and wife as a basis.

Inthe district court in Sapporo ruled that this wording requires recognition of same-sex marriage, with similar suits pending in other district Sex dating Cuauhtemoc. Sincethree prefectures and dozens of municipalities Sex dating Cuauhtemoc have begun issuing partnership certificates to same-sex couples that offer Sex dating Cuauhtemoc rights when accessing civil services.

On 27 Maythe Constitutional Court of Latvia Sex dating Cuauhtemoc an administrative court decision that refused an application to register a same-sex marriage in the country.

A Supreme Court press spokeswoman said that the court agrees with the administrative court that current regulations do not allow for same-sex marriages to be legally performed in Latvia. However, the matter should have been considered in a context not of marriage, but of registering familial partnership. Furthermore, it would have been impossible to conclude whether the applicants' rights were violated or not unless their claim is accepted and reviewed in a proper manner.

In Novemberthe Supreme Court of Nepal issued final judgment on matters related to LGBT rights, which included permitting same-sex couples to marry. Same-sex marriage and protection for sexual minorities were to be included in Sex dating Cuauhtemoc new Nepalese Constitution required to be completed by 31 May In Octoberthe Ministry of Women, Children and Social Welfare constituted a committee for the purpose of preparing a draft bill to legalize same-sex marriage.

On 17 Octobera married same-sex couple filed an action of unconstitutionality seeking to recognize same-sex marriages Sex dating Cuauhtemoc abroad. As the Supreme Court was deliberating on the two cases, the Sex dating Cuauhtemoc Court of Human Rights ruled on 9 January that countries signatory to the American Sex dating Cuauhtemoc on Human Rights must legalise same-sex marriage. On 16 January, the Panamanian Government welcomed the decision. Then Vice President Isabel Saint Malospeaking Sex dating Cuauhtemoc behalf of the Government, announced that the country would fully abide by the ruling.

Official notices, requiring compliance with the ruling, were sent out to various governmental departments that same day. However under the presidency of the more socially conservative Laurentino Cortizo a constitutional reform was approved by the National Assembly of Panama to ban same-sex marriage by establishing in the Constitution that marriage is between a man and a woman. The reform had to be voted again in and then submitted to referendum.

On 14 Februarya bill legalizing same-sex marriage was introduced in the Peruvian Congress. The Inter-American Court of Human Rights ruling regarding the legalization of same-sex marriage in countries Sex dating Cuauhtemoc have ratified the American Convention on Human Rights applies to Peru.

Sex dating Cuauhtemoc marriages and civil unions are currently not recognized by the state, the illegal insurgent Communist Party of the Philippines performs same-sex marriages in territories under its control since President Rodrigo Duterte supports the legalization of same-sex marriage.

On 19 Junethe Supreme Court of the Philippines heard oral arguments in a case seeking to legalize same-sex marriage in the Philippines. On 5 Junethe Sex dating Cuauhtemoc Court of Justice ECJ ruled, in a case originating from Romania, that same-sex couples have the same residency rights as different-sex couples, when a national of an EU country gets married while resident in an EU country where same-sex marriage is legal, and the spouse is from a non-EU country. In Decemberthe eco-socialist United Left party introduced a bill amending the definition of marriage in the Marriage Sex dating Cuauhtemoc Family Relations Act to include same-sex couples.

In Januarythe Government expressed no opposition to the bill. In Februarythe bill was passed with 11 votes to 2. In March, the Assembly passed the final bill in a 51—28 vote.

On 10 Marchthe National Council rejected a Sex dating Cuauhtemoc to require the Assembly to vote on the bill again, in a 14—23 vote.

Opponents of the bill launched a petition for a referendum and managed to collect 40, signatures. The Sex dating Cuauhtemoc then voted to block the referendum with a clarification that it would be against the Slovenian Constitution to vote on matters concerning human rights. Finally, the Constitutional Court ruled against the banning of the referendum 5—4 and the referendum was held on 20 December In the referendum, In JulyKim Jho Kwang-soo and his partner, Kim Seung-Hwan, filed a lawsuit seeking legal status for their marriage after their marriage registration form was rejected by the local authorities in Seoul.

On 25 Maya South Korean district court ruled against the couple and argued that without clear legislation a same-sex union can Sex dating Cuauhtemoc be recognized as a marriage. Their lawyer, Ryu Min-Hee, announced that two more same-sex couples had filed separate lawsuits in order to be allowed to wed. In Decembera South Korean appeals court upheld the district court ruling. The couple vowed to bring the case to the Supreme Court of South Korea.

Switzerland has allowed registered partnerships for same-sex couples since 1 Januaryafter a referendum. Legislation to allow same-sex marriage was introduced in and passed on 18 December by the Swiss parliament. The act will be subject to a referendum if 50, citizens request it within three months of its passage. In Aprilthe Supreme Court announced it Sex dating Cuauhtemoc hear a lawsuit Sex dating Cuauhtemoc seeks to declare Article 44 of the Civil Code unconstitutional for outlawing same-sex marriage.

In Vietnam, currently only a marriage between a man and a woman is recognized. Vietnam's Ministry of Justice began seeking Sex dating Cuauhtemoc on legalizing same-sex marriage from other governmental and non-governmental organizations in April and Mayand planned to further discuss the issue at the National Assembly in Spring The Vietnamese Government abolished an administrative fine imposed on same-sex weddings in In Junethe National Assembly began formal debate on a proposal to establish legal recognition for Sex dating Cuauhtemoc marriage.

On 27 Sex dating Cuauhtemocthe National Assembly's Committee for Social Affairs removed the provision giving legal status and some rights to cohabiting same-sex couples from the Government's bill to amend the Law on Marriage and Family. On 1 Januarythe Law on Marriage and Family officially went into effect. It states that while Vietnam allows same-sex weddings, it will not offer legal recognition or protection to unions between people of the same sex. The terms of employment of the staff of international organizations not commercial in most cases are Sex dating Cuauhtemoc governed by the laws of the country where their offices are located.

Agreements with the host country safeguard these organizations' impartiality. Despite their relative independence, few organizations recognize same-sex partnerships without condition. The agencies of the United Nations recognize same-sex marriages if the country of citizenship of the employees in question recognizes the marriage.

However, the World Bank does recognize domestic partners. Civil union, Sex dating Cuauhtemoc partnershipdomestic partnershipregistered partnershipunregistered partnership, and unregistered cohabitation statuses offer varying legal benefits of marriage.

On a subnational level, the Mexican state of Veracruzand the Dutch constituent country of Aruba allow same-sex couples to access civil unions or partnerships, but restrict marriage to couples of the opposite sex.

Additionally, various cities and counties in Cambodia and Japan offer same-sex couples varying levels of benefits, Sex dating Cuauhtemoc include hospital visitation rights and others. Additionally, sixteen countries that have legalized same-sex marriage still have an alternative form of legal recognition for same-sex couples, usually available to heterosexual couples as well: ArgentinaAustraliaAustriaBelgiumBrazilColombiaEcuadorFranceLuxembourgMaltathe NetherlandsPortugalSouth AfricaSpainthe United Kingdom and Uruguay.

Female same-sex marriage is practiced among the GikuyuNandiKambaKipsigisand to a lesser extent neighboring peoples. However, this is not seen as homosexual, but is instead a way for families without sons to keep their inheritance Sex dating Cuauhtemoc the family.

Among the Igbo people and probably other peoples in the south of the country, there are circumstances where a marriage between women is considered appropriate, Sex dating Cuauhtemoc as when a woman has no child and her husband dies, Sex dating Cuauhtemoc she takes a wife to perpetuate her inheritance and family lineage.

The American Anthropological Association stated on 26 February Sex dating Cuauhtemoc The results of more than a century of anthropological research on Sex dating Cuauhtemoc, kinship relationships, and families, across cultures and through time, provide no support whatsoever for the view that either civilization or viable social orders depend upon marriage as an exclusively heterosexual institution. Rather, anthropological research supports the conclusion that a vast array of family types, including families built upon same-sex partnerships, can contribute to stable and humane societies.

The researchers took advantage of Sex dating Cuauhtemoc gradual manner in which same-sex marriage was established in the United States expanding from one state in to all fifty states in to compare the rate of attempted suicide among youth in each state over the time period studied. Once same-sex marriage was established in a particular state, the reduction in the rate of attempted suicide among youth in that state became permanent.

No reduction in the rate of attempted suicide among teenage youth occurred in a Sex dating Cuauhtemoc state until that state recognized same-sex marriage. Professional organizations of psychologists have concluded that children stand to benefit from the well-being that results when their parents' relationship is recognized and supported by society's institutions, e.

Same-sex marriage - Wikipedia

For example, the Canadian Psychological Association CPA stated in that "parents' financial, psychological and physical well-being is enhanced by marriage and that children benefit from being raised by two parents within a legally-recognized union. The American Academy of Pediatrics concluded inin an analysis published in the journal Pediatrics :. There is ample evidence to show that children raised by same-gender parents fare as well as those raised by heterosexual parents.

More than 25 years of research have documented that there is no relationship between parents' sexual orientation and any measure of a child's emotional, psychosocial, and behavioral adjustment The rights, benefits, and protections of civil marriage can further strengthen these families.

The American Psychological Association stated in "Denial of access to marriage to same-sex couples may especially harm people who also experience discrimination based on age, race, ethnicity, disability, gender and gender identity, religion, socioeconomic status and so on.

As of [update]the Sex dating Cuauhtemoc of current psychological and other social science studies on same-sex marriage in comparison to mixed-sex marriage indicate that same-sex Sex dating Cuauhtemoc mixed-sex relationships do Sex dating Cuauhtemoc differ in their essential psychosocial dimensions; that a parent's sexual orientation is unrelated to their ability to provide a healthy and nurturing family environment; and that marriage bestows substantial psychological, social, and health benefits.

Same-sex parents and carers and their children are likely to benefit in numerous ways from legal recognition of their families, and providing such recognition through marriage will bestow greater benefit than civil unions or domestic partnerships. Ina pair of economists at Emory University tied the passage of state bans on same-sex marriage in the United States to an increase in the rates of HIV infection.

According to the author, the study highlighted the importance Sex dating Cuauhtemoc abolishing institutional forms of discrimination, including those leading to disparities in the mental health and well-being of LGB individuals. Institutional discrimination is characterized by societal-level conditions that limit the opportunities and access to resources by socially disadvantaged groups.

While few societies have recognized same-sex unions as marriages, the historical and anthropological record reveals a large range of attitudes towards same-sex unions ranging from praise, through full acceptance and integration, Sex dating Cuauhtemoc toleration, indifference, prohibition and discrimination, to persecution and physical annihilation.

Scientific literature indicates that parents' financial, psychological and physical well-being is enhanced by marriage and that children benefit from being raised by two parents within a legally recognized union either a mixed-sex or same-sex union. As Sex dating Cuauhtemoc result, professional scientific associations have argued for Sex dating Cuauhtemoc marriage to be legally recognized as it will be beneficial to the children of same-sex parents or carers.

Scientific research has been generally consistent in showing that lesbian and gay parents are as fit and capable as heterosexual parents, and their children are as psychologically healthy and well-adjusted as children reared by heterosexual parents.

Sex dating Cuauhtemoc states that allow same-sex marriage also allow the joint adoption of children by people of the same sex, with the exceptions of Jalisco, Nayarit and Quintana Roo in Mexico. In addition, Andorra and Israelwhich do not recognize same-sex marriage nonetheless permit joint adoption by unmarried same-sex couples.

Some additional states allow stepchild adoption by those who are in a same-sex relationship Sex dating Cuauhtemoc are unmarried: CroatiaEstoniaItaly on a case-by-case basisSlovenia and Switzerland. A gay or bisexual man has the option of surrogacythe process in which a woman bears a child for another person through artificial insemination or carries another woman's surgically implanted fertilized egg to birth. A lesbian or bisexual woman has the option of artificial insemination. The legal status of same-sex marriage may have implications for the marriages of Sex dating Cuauhtemoc in which one or both parties are Sex dating Cuauhtemocdepending on how sex is defined within a jurisdiction.

Transgender and intersex individuals may be prohibited from marrying partners of the "opposite" sex or Sex dating Cuauhtemoc to marry partners of the "same" sex due to legal Sex dating Cuauhtemoc.

In addition, some legal jurisdictions recognize Sex dating Cuauhtemoc legal and official change of gender, which would allow a transgender male or female to be legally married in accordance with an adopted gender identity.

In the United Kingdom, the Gender Recognition Act allows a person who has lived in their chosen gender for at least two years to receive a gender recognition certificate officially recognizing their new gender. Such people are then free to enter or re-enter civil partnerships or marriages in accordance with their newly recognized gender identity.

In Austria, a similar provision requiring transsexual people Sex dating Cuauhtemoc divorce before having their legal sex marker corrected was found to be unconstitutional in With the advent of same-sex marriage, this restriction was dropped. A similar provision including sterilization also existed in Sweden, but was phased out in In the United States of America before the case of Obergefell v. Hodgescouples in same-sex marriages could only obtain a divorce in jurisdictions that recognized same-sex marriages, with some exceptions.

There are differing positions regarding the manner in which same-sex marriage has been introduced into democratic jurisdictions. A " majority rules " position holds that same-sex marriage is valid, or Sex dating Cuauhtemoc and illegal, based upon whether it has been accepted by a simple majority of voters or of their elected representatives.

In Sex dating Cuauhtemoc, a civil rights view holds that the institution can be validly created through Sex dating Cuauhtemoc ruling of an impartial judiciary carefully examining Sex dating Cuauhtemoc questioning and finding that the right to marry regardless of the gender of the participants is guaranteed under the civil rights laws of the jurisdiction. Numerous polls and studies on the issue have Sex dating Cuauhtemoc conducted.

A trend of increasing support for same-sex marriage has been revealed across many countries of the world, often driven in large part by a generational difference in support. Polling that was conducted in developed democracies in this century shows a majority of people in support of same-sex marriage. Support for legal same-sex marriage has increased across every age group, political ideology, religion, gender, race and region of various developed countries in the world.

Various detailed polls and studies on same-sex marriage that were conducted in several countries show that support for same-sex marriage significantly increases Sex dating Cuauhtemoc higher levels of education and is also significantly stronger among younger generations, with a clear trend of continually increasing support.

Category:LGBT culture. From Sex dating Cuauhtemoc, the free encyclopedia. For other uses, see Marriage equality disambiguation. Marriage of persons of the same sex or gender identity. Legal status of same-sex unions. Civil unions and registered partnerships.

Common-law marriage. Israel 6. Minimal recognition.

Same-sex marriage, also known as gay marriage, is the marriage of two people of the same sex or gender, entered into in a civil or religious ceremony. There are records of same-sex marriage dating back to the first century. Austria (1 January); Zacatecas, Zacatecas (14 February); Cuauhtémoc, Zacatecas (1 March​). Click or press the down arrow to select a date. ROOM 1. 1 Adults Adult. 0 Children Child. ROOM 2. 1 Adults Adult. 0 Children Child. ROOM 3. 1 Adults Adult.

See also. Same-sex union legislation Same-sex union court cases Timeline of same-sex marriage Recognition of same-sex unions in Africa Recognition of same-sex unions in Asia Recognition of same-sex unions in Europe Recognition of same-sex unions in the Americas Recognition of same-sex unions in Oceania Marriage privatization Divorce of same-sex couples Domestic partnership Military policy Adoption Listings by country LGBT rights by country or territory.

Performed statewide in 18 states and Mexico Cityin certain municipalities in three other states, and recognized by all states in such cases. Performed in the Netherlands proper, including the Caribbean Netherlands. Neither performed nor recognized in Niue, Tokelau or the Cook Islands. Not recognized in Caribbean overseas territoriesthough marriage-equivalent ordered for the Cayman Islands.

Neither performed nor recognized in American Samoa or some tribal nations. Registered foreign marriages confer limited rights. Marriage recognized in Tel Aviv. Degree of recognition unknown. No actual cases to date. Limited to residency rights Sex dating Cuauhtemoc foreign spouses of EU citizens.

Legal guardianships nationwide, except Hong Kong and Macauresidency rights for foreign spouses of legal residents Hong Kong. Recognition of foreign marriage for parental rights Maitri Karar —type contractual relationships, but it is not legally enforceable In Sex dating Cuauhtemoc, some cities have issued certificates for same-sex couples, but they are not legally binding.

Foreign same-sex spouses are eligible for a "Non-Tourist Visa" as a dependent Limited to spouses of foreign diplomatic officials. LGBT portal. Sexual orientation. Social attitudes. Academic fields Sex dating Cuauhtemoc discourse. Lesbian feminism Lavender linguistics Queer studies Queer theory Transfeminism.

Main articles: History of same-sex unionsTimeline of same-sex marriageand History of homosexuality. Main article: Timeline of same-sex marriage. Main articles: Legal status of same-sex marriage and Same-sex union legislation. Marriage open to same-sex couples rings: individual cases.

Civil unions or domestic partnerships. Legislation or binding domestic court ruling Sex dating Cuauhtemoc same-sex marriage, but marriage is not yet Sex dating Cuauhtemoc for. Same-sex marriage recognized with full rights when performed in certain other jurisdictions.

Limited legal recognition registered cohabitation, legal guardianship. Local certification without legal force. Limited recognition of marriage performed in certain other jurisdictions residency rights for spouses. Sex dating Cuauhtemoc subject to an international court ruling to recognize same-sex marriage.

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Same-sex unions not legally recognized. Same-sex marriage banned by secular constitution. Same-sex marriage banned by constitutionally mandated Islamic law or morality. Same-sex marriage banned for Muslims. No constitutional ban. Main article: Same-sex marriage in Argentina. Main article: Same-sex marriage in Australia. Main article: Same-sex marriage in Austria. Main article: Same-sex marriage in Belgium. Main article: Same-sex marriage in Brazil. Marriage and other type of partnership.

Other type of partnership. Constitution limits marriage to opposite-sex couples. Same-sex sexual activity illegal, though penalties not enforced. Main article: Same-sex marriage in Canada. Main article: Same-sex marriage in Colombia. Same-sex marriage. Unregistered cohabitation.

No recognition of same-sex couples. Same-sex sexual activity illegal but law not enforced. Main article: Same-sex marriage in Costa Sex dating Cuauhtemoc.

Main article: Same-sex marriage in Denmark. Civil union. Limited domestic recognition cohabitation. Limited foreign recognition residency rights. Main article: Sex dating Cuauhtemoc marriage in Ecuador. Main Sex dating Cuauhtemoc Same-sex marriage in Finland. Main article: Same-sex marriage in France. Main article: Same-sex Sex dating Cuauhtemoc in Germany. Main article: Same-sex marriage in Iceland.

Same-sex marriage

Main article: Same-sex marriage in the Sex dating Cuauhtemoc of Ireland. Main article: Same-sex marriage in Luxembourg. Main article: Same-sex marriage in Malta. Main article: Same-sex marriage in Mexico. Same-sex marriages performed. Civil unions performed; marriage by amparo only. Marriage not performed except by amparo despite Supreme Court order.

Marriage accessible by amparo or by traveling out of state. Main article: Same-sex marriage in the Netherlands. Main article: Same-sex marriage in New Zealand. Marriage performed. Civil unions performed Easter Island.

Recognition of same-sex marriages at the federal level, Sex dating Cuauhtemoc territory-level recognition American Samoa. No recognition.

It will be presented to the Parliament and likely pass until end of first half of

Constitution limits marriage to opposite-sex couples Palau. Same-sex sexual activity illegal, but ban not enforced. Main article: Same-sex marriage in Norway. Main article: Same-sex marriage in Portugal.

See also: De facto union in Portugal. Main article: Same-sex marriage in Serbia. Main article: Same-sex Sex dating Cuauhtemoc in South Africa. Main article: Same-sex marriage in Spain. Main article: Same-sex marriage in Sweden. Main article: Same-sex marriage in Taiwan. Constitutional ban on same-sex marriage. Same-sex sexual activity illegal but penalties not Sex dating Cuauhtemoc. Main article: Same-sex marriage in the United Kingdom.

Main article: Same-sex marriage in the Sex dating Cuauhtemoc States. Performed and recognized. Recognized when performed elsewhere. Only recognized by the state and federal governments.

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Main article: Same-sex marriage in Uruguay. Main article: Recognition of same-sex unions in Armenia. Main article: Recognition of same-sex unions in Bulgaria. Main article: Recognition of same-sex unions in Chile. Main article: Recognition of same-sex unions in China. Main article: Recognition of Sex dating Cuauhtemoc unions in Cuba. Main article: Recognition of same-sex unions in the Czech Republic.

Main article: Recognition of same-sex unions in El Salvador. Main article: Recognition of same-sex unions in Estonia. Main article: Recognition of same-sex unions in India. Main article: Recognition of same-sex unions in Israel. Main article: Recognition of same-sex unions in Sex dating Cuauhtemoc. Main article: Recognition of same-sex unions in Japan.

Main article: Recognition of same-sex Sex dating Cuauhtemoc in Latvia. Main article: Recognition of same-sex unions in Nepal. Main article: Recognition of same-sex unions in Romania. Main article: Recognition of same-sex unions in Slovenia. Main article: Recognition of same-sex unions in South Korea. Main article: Recognition of same-sex unions in Switzerland. Main article: Recognition of same-sex unions in Venezuela. Main article: Recognition of same-sex unions in Vietnam.

Main article: Civil union. Main article: Same-sex marriage in Nigeria. Main article: LGBT parenting. See also: LGBT rights opposition. Main article: LGBT adoption. Joint adoption allowed 1. Second-parent stepchild adoption allowed 2. No laws allowing adoption by same-sex couples.

Main article: Assisted reproductive technology. This article or section possibly contains synthesis of material which does not verifiably mention or relate to the main topic. Relevant discussion may be found on the talk page.

May Learn how and when to remove this template message. See also: Transgender rights and Intersex human rights. Main article: Divorce of same-sex couples. See also: Public opinion of same-sex marriage in the United States and Public opinion of same-sex marriage in Australia.

Same-sex marriage performed nationwide. Same-sex marriage performed in some parts of the country. Civil unions or registered partnerships nationwide. Same-sex sexual activity is illegal. Marriages entered into in these jurisdictions are fully recognized by law throughout Mexico. In other states, same-sex marriage is available by court injunction amparo. Retrieved 22 October BBC News.

Retrieved 6 April Hodges, U. Smith, Susan K. The Washington Post. Retrieved 20 September Schwarzenegger" PDF. Archived Sex dating Cuauhtemoc the original PDF on 16 March Retrieved 6 August Archived from the original PDF on 11 May Retrieved 10 November American Sociological Association.

Constitutional Amendment Regarding Marriage". Archived from the original on 12 August Walker " PDF. Retrieved 5 November Canadian Psychological Association. Archived from the original PDF on 7 July Sex dating Cuauhtemoc 28 September July PMID Pawelski, J. Retrieved 7 July American Anthropological Association Retrieved 18 Sex dating Cuauhtemoc Retrieved Sex dating Cuauhtemoc September New Scientist.

Click or press the down arrow to select a date. ROOM 1. 1 Adults Adult. 0 Children Child. ROOM 2. 1 Adults Adult. 0 Children Child. ROOM 3. 1 Adults Adult. same-sex marriage legal.

Retrieved 5 April American Anthropological Association. Archived from the original on 28 December Retrieved 9 June Cengage Learning. ISBN Retrieved 11 Sex dating Cuauhtemoc American Psychological Association Retrieved 2 November Archived from the original PDF on 12 April CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list link Davis, Annie Sex dating Cuauhtemoc October The Guardian.

Retrieved 28 March Bever, Lindsey 7 July Retrieved Sex dating Cuauhtemoc December American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy. Archived from the original on 16 June Retrieved 16 June Don't have an account? You can easily create a free account. Your Sex dating Cuauhtemoc browser is not enabled for JavaScript.

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Sex dating Cuauhtemoc,
Main article: Recognition of same-sex unions in Latvia. Archived from the original PDF on 12 May Laycock, Douglas ; Picarello, Anthony Jr.
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Showing results by publisher "" in Dating & Sex · El Amor Se Hace [Love Is Made] · By: Carlos Cuauhtémoc Sánchez · Release date: Same-sex marriage, also known as gay marriage, is the marriage of two people of the same sex or gender, entered into in a civil or religious ceremony. There are records of same-sex marriage dating back to the first century. Austria (1 January); Zacatecas, Zacatecas (14 February); Cuauhtémoc, Zacatecas (1 March​). Mati refers to love and sexual intimacy between women, conceived of as a remain in concurrent heterosexual marriages (recall Cuauhtémoc, the father and mothered a child in the context of this marriage while also dating her lala partner.

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The World Bank Group. See also Same-sex union legislation Same-sex union court cases Timeline of same-sex marriage Recognition of same-sex unions in Africa Recognition of same-sex unions in Asia Recognition of same-sex unions in Europe Recognition of same-sex unions in the Americas Recognition of same-sex unions in Oceania Marriage privatization Divorce of same-sex couples Domestic partnership Sex dating Cuauhtemoc policy Adoption Listings by country LGBT rights by country Sex dating Cuauhtemoc territory. CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown link archived here.

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London: Thames and Hudson Ltd. A Sofia Sex dating Cuauhtemoc granted a same-sex couple the right to live in Bulgaria on 29 June Schwarzenegger" PDF. Should I allow more? On 28 Aprilthe legal uncertainty around same-sex unions was resolved Sex dating Cuauhtemoc the Constitutional Court ruled that same-sex couples are allowed to enter into civil marriages the country and that judges and notaries are barred from refusing to perform same-sex weddings. Larocque, Sylvain