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Vicente Hernandez y Fran[cis]co Ortiz Acta del juicio verbal sobre p[eso]s. Vicente Vera Gomez sobre pago de contribuciones.

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Ramon Galan al C. Juicio de Hacienda contra Don Antonio Arce, por la introducion de un ganado Don Ygnacio Urquijo eponiendose a un embargo mandado practicar Prostitutes Tulancingo un juez de Prostitutes Tulancingo civil de Mexico, en la Hac[ien]da de S[an] Andres Juez de 1a [primera] Inst[anci]a de este Distrito al C.

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Gregorio Hernandez Testimonio del poder especial otorgada por el C. Juan Huazo, a fabor del C. Francisco Rodriguez Madariaga Testimonio del poder gra Gabriel Orinaechea por los hermanos Prostitutes Tulancingo Prueba producido por el C. Gabriel Ormaechea en el juicio que sobre e Verbal sobre pesos, promovido por el C.

Agustin Madrid Juicio verbal promovido p[o]r el C. Vicente Dominguez contra el C. Ygn[aci]o Moreno Leon, sobre la entrega de una libranza Ejecutivo sobre p[eso]s el C. Vicente Hernandez contra el C. Jorge Alarcon Ynterdicto de depojo promovido por el C. Sobre nombramiento de tutor a los hijos del finado C. Testimonio del poder especial conferido al C. Intestado del incapacitado Don Trinidad Campos Mariano Martinez Testimonio del Poder conferido al C.

Manuel Arroyo por el C. Ygnacio Hernandez Convenio celebrado por Don Apolonio Uribarri sus acreedores Contra D[on] Apolonio Uribarri por haber sido declarado en estado de quiebra Autos relativos a la quiebra a D[on] Apolonio Uribarri Jose Panfilo Gomez contra el C.

Prostitutes Tulancingo Research Library. Extent: 8 boxes 4 linear ft. Abstract: This collection consists of manuscript documents in Spanish and Nahuatl Prostitutes Tulancingo the town of Tulancingo Hidalgo, Mexico. The documents consist primarily of civil litigation case files, but also include a small amount of criminal case files and several government printed broadsides. Repository: University of California, Los Angeles. Department of Special Collections. Los Angeles, California Advance notice is required for access to the collection.

Advance notice required for access. Literary rights, including copyright, are retained by the creators and their heirs. It is the responsibility of the researcher to determine who holds the copyright and pursue the copyright owner or his or her heir for permission to publish Prostitutes Tulancingo The UC Regents do not hold the copyright.

Department of Special Collections, Charles E. This collection of manuscripts was in the private collection of John Prostitutes Tulancingo. Grepe of Dallas, Texas from approximately to This collection was formerly known as the John H. Collection consists primarily of civil litigation case files from the district of Tulancingo, Mexico, dating from The collection is interspersed with a few criminal case files and several government printed broadsides. Some case files also fall under the jurisdiction of Mexico City.

The boxes have been roughly divided according to the date of judgment or arbitration date; however, many files include subsequent notations entered by civil authorities as it Prostitutes Tulancingo to outstanding matters towards fulfillment of the judgment. Case files prior to are notable for revealing the maneuverings of indigenous communities within the legal system, the involvement of women Prostitutes Tulancingo various business and property disputes, the colonial tribute system, tensions surrounding the War of Independence, and acts of resistance to the colonial regime by native peoples.

Case files prior to contain some documents in Nahuatl. Case files from to deal primarily with probate matters often including estate inventories and willsfinancial disputes between merchants and creditors, and demands for repayment of liens or mortgages. Researchers will find extensive documents with respect to four different actions: probate Prostitutes Tulancingo pertaining to the estate of Maria Josefa Ortega, a bankruptcy proceeding against Prostitutes Tulancingo Uribarri, a civil dispute involving the Sanchez Hidalgo family, and the dissolution of a commercial partnership involving Spanish merchants Antonio Gayol and Tomas Urrutia.

Scholars interested in researching issues of gender and sexuality will find several notable cases, for example, a case involving an older male resident who pursued relations with Prostitutes Tulancingo younger girl and later denied paternity to their child; cases of mothers seeking legal recognition and assets from the fathers of illegitimate children; and cases involving allegations of physical abuse and infidelity.

In addition to the aforementioned, scholars will find numerous examples of women's involvement in Prostitutes Tulancingo disputes over outstanding mortgages, as business owners, as estate executors and legal guardians for their children, and in property disputes.

Case files from this period contain very little mention of Indian peoples and Prostitutes Tulancingo Nahuatl documents. Arranged in the following series: Printed materials.

The following terms have been used to index the description of this collection in the library's online public access catalog. Byron McAfee papers, ca.

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Prostitutes Tulancingo Seler papers, ca. Collection of material Prostitutes Tulancingo to Mexico, Collection Printed materials Physical Description:. Broadsides Physical Description: 2 items.

Broadsides Physical Description: 3 items. Broadsides Physical Description: 8 items. Broadsides Physical Description: 13 items. Series consists of civil and criminal litigation documents, including some in Nahuatl. Anachronistic compilation of petitions, Prostitutes Tulancingo together. Most were presented to the alcalde mayor chief magistrateDon Pedro Ladron de Guevara. Incomplete set of documents relating to the case of Sebastian Bazquez [Vazquez], who claimed ownership of indigenous land.

Includes unrelated material, such as Nahuatl petitions. Text in both Nahuatl and Spanish. Cover page Prostitutes Tulancingo the documents contain the "probanzas Prostitutes Tulancingo testimonios" of the case.

Case file begins with the original decision. Documents relating Prostitutes Tulancingo Pedro de Ontiveros' demand that indigenous men fully repay the pesos he loaned them, of which he had only received half.

Text mainly in Spanish and includes an admittance of debt Prostitutes Tulancingo in Nahuatl, partially on one leaf. Text in Nahuatl and Spanish. Case documents relating to Francisco de Terrazas, encomendero of Tulancingo, who charged Diego de Suares de Peredo with the theft of six colts.

Includes documents that do not relate directly to the case but do refer to Terrazas. Marcos de Torres] October 15 - November 22 Physical Description: 4 leaves : paper ; 31 x 22 cm. A dispute between Juan Cuetlachcohuacatl and Marcos de Torres, trustee for the estate of Don Diego Alexandrino, over the ownership of a piece of land. File includes witness testimonies.

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Text in Spanish, with one document in Nahuatl. Collection Prostitutes Tulancingo documents Prostitutes Tulancingo the Gomes family landholdings. The majority of the leaves 19 are records of land sales in Nahuatl, the rest are in Spanish. Domingo Hernandez] October 29 - May 30 Physical Description: 9 leaves : paper ; 31 x 22 cm.

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Documents regarding a Prostitutes Tulancingo between Bernardina Gutierrez and her son, Domingo Hernandez, over Prostitutes Tulancingo hacienda which she had rented out to him. Gutierrez wants the hacienda back, and livestock and pesos owed. Text in Spanish with a testimony in Nahuatl and Spanish. Francisco de Carrion] September 6 - 13 Physical Description: 1 bifolium Prostitutes Tulancingo paper ; 30 x 21 cm.

A provision from the Real Audiencia in the case entitled Juan Cordero versus Francisco de Carrion involving the possession of 45 mules.

Cabildo hecho en Huasca para alarmarlo en defensa de la Justa causa contra los Ynsurgentes January 7 - 9 Physical Description: 5 leaves : paper ; 32 x 22 cm.

With the official seal and Prostitutes Tulancingo of the oidores. Documents relating to the sale and transfer of ownership of land between four indigenous owners: Gaspar de Prostitutes Tulancingo, Diego de Mendosa, Juan de Ayala and Francisco Lario Gomez. Two leaves are in Nahuatl, one leaf in Spanish. Provision from the Real Audiencia. File includes a list of debtors, acknowledgements of debt, and documents relating to the landholdings of Luis Santos.

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Miguel Caro] July 10 - 15 Physical Description: Prostitutes Tulancingo bifolium : paper ; 31 x 21 cm. Caro was found guilty of assaulting Cathalina; he was sentenced and paid his bail. Luis Ximenez, professor of the Royal University, advised them.

Ana Gomes Montte Agudo was in a dispute with Juan Sanches de Montoya, a local merchant, over her deceased husband's debt. Varied and colorful collection of petitions presented to the alcalde mayor.

Includes cases involving local merchants, a land dispute, Prostitutes Tulancingo rape allegation, and the Prostitutes Tulancingo of a wife. Issues concern both indigenous and Spanish residents.

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Prepared by Francisco de Medel, a local Prostitutes Tulancingo. Two copies of an original document in Nahuatl; one was transcribed from the original Nahuatl ca. The text contains an Prostitutes Tulancingo cabildo's confirmation about a plot of land. Documents relating to a dispute of ownership over a hacienda named Ysptlaguacan [Ixtlahuacan]. Antonio de Espinosa, a resident o.

Don Blas Perez de las Casas secretary of the Inquisition and alcalde mayor mandated that residents attend the procession of the sacrament of Corpus Christi. He also imposed a fine of wax for those Prostitutes Tulancingo do not attend. Don Blas Perez de las Casas secretary of the Inquisition and alcalde mayor mandated that the indigenous residents of Singuilucan hold elections for posts in their local government. De las Casas proposed three candidates Prostitutes Tulancingo rules for the election.

Francisco de la Cruz] January 13 - 17 Physical Description: 1 bifolium : paper ; 31 x 22 cm. Francisco de la Cruz indigenous was accused of having pre-marital relations with Maria Cortes de Arellanos. Cruz was jailed and implicated another man, Juan Thomas Thelles.

File contains the testimony of both Thelles and Arellanos. Don Blas Perez de las Casas secretary of the Inquisition and alcalde mayor mandated that local leaders inform and prepare the indigenous people for his visit. He intended to Prostitutes Tulancingo them, their wives, children and other relatives. Local indigenous people brought a complaint about the town's loose pigs, which were damaging their crops. All owners of such livestock were mandated to Prostitutes Tulancingo and tie them up.

A provision from the Real Audiencia regarding litigation Prostitutes Tulancingo a rancho.

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Don Francisco Xauier de Medina y Aguirre, administrator of the chaplaincy of Don Ygnacio de Castro, presented litigation to expedite the allocation of resources to establish the chaplaincy, as provided for in his will.

Prostitutes Tulancingo presented litigation to confirm his ownership of the property. Dispute pertains to an apple orchard and includes witness testimonies. Andres Monter] September 27 Physical Description: 5 leaves : paper ; 31 x 21 cm. Includes Prostitutes Tulancingo testimony of Maria Rita Monter. Report-testimony by Don Francisco de Borja y Victoria of the Santa Hermandad concerning the manufacture Prostitutes Tulancingo saltpeter and gunpowder, and what could be Prostitutes Tulancingo to augment its production.

The Real Audiencia condemned Prostitutes Tulancingo illicit removal and restored the lands. Will of Domingo de la Cruz including text relating to the death of an indigenous man, Domingo Rosales. Will in Nahuatl, with other text in Spanish. Documents relating to a priest's abuse of privileges with the local clergy. He allegedly took advantage of his powers to levy tariffs arancel and made the people do his personal work. Several complaints by the indigenous cabildo prompted this legal act.

Page 92 is an assessment of her Prostitutes Tulancingo and crystal ware which reveals material culture for this period. Page 93 lists and describes her religious images. Prostitutes Tulancingo announcement. Broadside text in Nahuatl; writing on recto in Spanish. Ybarra had proposed to Ortega but after eight months they still had not married. Monter sought to collect payment from various neighbors who were Prostitutes Tulancingo to him. Dispute over water rights in Atotonilco el Grande. Hacienda de la Venta, which belonged to the Conde de Santiago, claimed ownership of water supplies, and indigenous leaders protested.

Includes testimony of Don Nicolas Montalvo. Broadside announcement: The Viceroy disapproved of dissention from the infantry regiments and mandated that deserters be punished severely. Letters consist mostly of instructions and orders, often dealing with viceregal mandates. Physical Description: 1 leaf : paper ; 16 x 22 cm.

Small fragment sheet which lists the number of baptisms, marriages and burials in Tulancingo and its dependencies.

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Verso has a comment about corn. There are 19 detailed paragraphs of instructions. He stated that transgressors would be fined and punished. Reports Prostitutes Tulancingo the constituencies of the jurisdiction of Tulancingo. Each head town cabecera sent in a list of their own dependent pueblos, ranchos and haciendas. Felipe Badillo presented a petition protesting the marriage of his son Ygnacio Badillo with Anastacia Beliz. Badillo, the father, considered Beliz to be inferior to his family and was vehemently against their matrimony.

He tried punishment to stop his son. Report by Juan M. Arellanos, administrator of the local post office, to subdelegate Don Francisco Lardizaval. Arellanos described the inner workings of the organization, giving the names of the workers there and Prostitutes Tulancingo on their various mail routes. Report details the number of sheets of paper pliegosgunpowder, card decks and materials for cigar-making used in Report on the number of cows consumed Prostitutes Tulancingo Tulancingo and its dependencies in The total was List of reports stating which administrators would report on what items.

Referenced the reports of Asiain and Arellanos cf. Documents relating to the destruction of tobacco plants grown in the mountains of Tulancingo and Huauchinango, ordered by the Real Hacienda by Prostitutes Tulancingo Don Domingo Sanz. Includes a lengthy list naming indigenous men caught with sown tobacco fields. Indigenous leaders of Atotonilco denounced the local justice administrator encargado Prostitutes Tulancingo la administracion de justiciaDon Miguel Larralde, for his unjust oppression.

They were represented by Don Francisco Rubin de Celis. Documents reveal accusations. Marques had been trying to marry Ruis's daughter, Maria Manuela Guerrero. Ruis Prostitutes Tulancingo that they were not equal. Rodriguez Prostitutes Tulancingo a cleric and owner of Hacienda de Totuapa el Grande.

He protested Duran's attempt to create a new mill. Document is a copy, Prostitutes Tulancingo. They felt that Prostitutes Tulancingo had been denied their full salary and were mistreated. Transcriptions of about eleven letters. Includes information Prostitutes Tulancingo the search for fugitive Frenchmen, the Mill of Santiago, local area tribute payments, the contraband of pulque and other prohibited drinks, and others.

But there is Prostitutes in human Prpstitutes It is called prostitution, when you have Tulancingo pay sex workers from the street or other women. In August , more Tulancingo manuscripts were acquired by UCLA from Howard Karno Books, Inc. and [Charges of prostitution] March 12 - April 6​.

Viceroy Branciforte requested a report on the residents of the jurisdiction, to determine unemployed vago indigenous, mulattos or blacks in the area. Documents include responses from local leaders, and a letter of reply to Prostitutes Tulancingo from Jose Ximenes del Rio. They were sent to the Real Tribunal and concerned the local church in Tulancingo.

They each consisted of local men and were made up of a mixed ethnic group Spaniards, Mestizos, and Castizos. Various vendors have been caught selling fruits, seeds, chiles, etc.

Four provisions were enacted to regulate their business. Copies of two letters by L. One discusses the harvesting of cotton and chile which was sold in the market. The other asked Don Cadena to deliver a certification to the judge of the general court.

Sup[eri]or or[de]n p[ar]a q[u]e los Ec[lesiasti]cos no exersan la Abogacia April 5 - May 10 Physical Description: 4 leaves : paper ; 31 x 22 cm. Title translates as: "Superior order so that ecclesiastics do not practice law.

Don Manuel de Perea, lawyer of the Real Audiencia, sent the Prostitutes Tulancingo out locally. The documents describe their physical features in detail and bound them to a twelve-year service contract with the military.

The document reveals what he considered to be the problems associated with these women. Copies of four letters by an unsigned author. They concern: an Prostitutes Tulancingo of the alliance between Spain and France, a verification Prostitutes Tulancingo no foreigners had entered the area, recognition of orders to capture Don Juan Ramon y Duran.

Ynformacion recivida apedimento de Prostitutes Tulancingo parte del Cura del Pueblo de Tututepeque Contra Juan Tolentino y socios Prostitutes Tulancingo varios exesos November 18 - December 29 Physical Description: Prostitutes Tulancingo leaves : paper ; 31 x 22 Prostitutes Tulancingo. Title Prostitutes Tulancingo as "Information received at the request of the priest of Tutotepec against Juan Tolentino and his associates for their various Prostitutes Tulancingo.

Brigada Gertrudis Santos complained to local authorities about Gregoria, the widow, who was having an illicit affair with Santos's husband, Antonio de San Juan indigenous. The document reveals problems that existed between these two women. Copy of a brief Prostitutes Tulancingo, which mentions having received the compendium on the method Prostitutes Tulancingo mulberry tree raising. Diligencias practicadas en virtud del Escrito que las principia sobre el Tumulto formado en el Pueblo de Tututepeque entre los Naturales del mismo Pueblo como adentro se expresa May 27 - June 1 Physical Description: 25 leaves : paper ; 31 x 22 cm.

Title translates as "Proceedings concerning the tumult in Tutotepec among the Indigenous who live there, as expressed within. A drunk man was accused of cursing at a priest. Copy of an unsigned letter. The author received notice that the Viceroy would stay Prostitutes Tulancingo the town so he could learn about the army troops which were there because of the war with Great Britain. Unsigned letter to vicar Don Gaspar Martin. He informed vicar Martin of Prostitutes Tulancingo the money would be used and related other news.

Josefa Manuela, an indigenous woman from Tenango who appeared to have been a Prostitutes Tulancingo healer, was accused of Prostitutes Tulancingo by Josefa Estefania and Mariana Pascuala.

Casiano Martinez claims defendant Perez has a well-venerated painting lienzo of San Antonio del Jacalito which belonged to his family.

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Report details the number of sheets of paper pliegos , gunpowder, card decks and materials for cigar-making used in Just try not to let them pay for everything - to me that is taking advantage of their great hospitality. This collection of manuscripts was in the private collection of John H.
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Anachronistic compilation of here, sewn together. File includes petitions. Verbal sobre pesos, promovido por el C. Octaviano Galarza, pidiendo se levante el aseguramiento de unos Prostitutes Tulancingo de abarrotes Folder includes balance sheets, legal Prostitutes Tulancingo and expenses, petitions, and interrogatories. Juan Sanches de Montoya] July File contains interrogatories, petitions, etc.