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How could one discriminate between genuine and feigned desires on the part of prostitutes to leave their trade? Case studies in well-known textbooks no longer focused exclusively on the biography of the suspects, but discussed their Prostitutes Nanterre, habits, and physical bodies at length. Besides a variety of strategies for keeping books Prostitutes Nanterre plays with indecent contents out of the reach of juveniles, the crucial question was the approach to prostitution.

In their view, most criminals needed an additional impulse. During the first half of the nineteenth century, criminological writers looked at the biographies of criminals in an attempt to discover the crucial steps that led « fallen angels » away from a respectable life.

Alcohol, regular encounters with prostitutes, avarice, and bad company were all found to be prominent factors 39albeit not the direct Prostitutes Nanterre of crime.

Such influences first of all Prostitutes Nanterre the person to deviate from a virtuous life, and it was this deviation that finally led to vice and misery.

Within this frame of thought, Prostitutes Nanterre every client of prostitutes succumbed to this vicious influence, however. Those who were believed to be particularly endangered, were immature persons whom police experts and moral reformers denied the ability to the Prostitutes Nanterre of sexual services provided by prostitutes and other women of the same kind as a simple commodity.

Prostitutes Nanterre such young men lacked intellectual sophistication, moral resolve, and had yet to develop and embody the habits of respectable citizens, detectives and moral reformers anxiously watched over any contacts they might have with indecency, above all with the apparently free and unrestricted lifestyle of prostitutes and Prostitutes Nanterre, which could easily drag them down into the criminal underworld.

These concerns motivated many reformers and city officials to write letters to police departments demanding a stricter enforcement of the exclusion of apprentices and young students from brothels.

To them, the vice squad was necessary in order to combat the threat that prostitutes posed to the moral and physical constitution of the social body.

At the same time, they called for a complete ban on indecent literature and images This gendered fear was even more prevalent with regard Prostitutes Nanterre the infection of men with syphilis. It was a widely held opinion that women who were Prostitutes Nanterre with venereal disease took vengeance for this on the male sex by spreading the disease In their reflections on the very beginnings of a prostitute's career, criminalists frequently blamed a failed love affair resulting in pregnancy or even in venereal disease.

As Prostitutes Nanterre prostitute, she purged herself of emotional attachment to her clients, specialized in sex, and was therefore Prostitutes Nanterre to spread moral as well as physical contagion.

Prostitutes Nanterre lack of attachment gave her a real dominance over immature men, who were now seduced by her. Her seductive abilities reversed the gender roles - which was also understood in terms of vengeance.

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They were also worried about the spread of venereal disease, which was understood in similar terms to the spread of moral contagion. In both instances, police and sanitary experts hoped to stop the further spread of the disease by isolating the persons already afflicted.

Prostitutes were compelled to undergo medical examinations on a regular basis in order to reduce the risk of infection for male clients. This measure, which became part of the criminal code in Prussia 43covered only registered prostitutes. As a result, the members Prostitutes Nanterre the vice squad Prostitutes Nanterre two different tasks. First, they had to enforce these regulations on registered prostitutes.

Second, they were constantly on the look-out for hidden prostitutes, who lived on their own, evaded medical examinations, and avoided the stigma of being registered. Police experts understood this second class of prostitutes as extremely dangerous not only for the spread of venereal disease but Prostitutes Nanterre for disseminating a moral contagion.

Clandestine prostitutes did not follow Prostitutes Nanterre rules which kept them out of the reach of immature persons and could therefore even more easily pull innocent men into a vicious lifestyle.

The absence of sufficient indications that unmistakably signified a loose Prostitutes Nanterre resulted in several public scandals when respectable women were arrested for prostitution. The detectives excused their mistakes by pointing to the blurred distinctions between respectable and « vicious » women : « With the current fashion of painting one's face and dressing up, one needs a very well-trained eye to tell prostitutes from respectable women » The concern with the higher risk that uncontrolled prostitution posed to society also blocked the path of those prostitutes who wanted to quit.

Police officials were expected to give these women all the help they needed. This supportive attitude was, however, neutralized by the need for control. How could one discriminate between genuine and feigned desires on the part of prostitutes Prostitutes Nanterre leave their trade?

Considering the weak moral and intellectual condition of these women, only their future behavior would prove conclusive.

To be on the safe side, members of the vice squad watched over these women's first steps in respectable trades. But this surveillance exposed their previous life to managers and their new colleagues, and often resulted in loss of their employment.

Prostitutes Nanterre most serious consequences of this development emerged toward the end of the century when the communication network and a tight system of registration allowed the police and employers permanent access to a person's prior history. Otherwise, she claimed, it would be impossible for her to break with the past In dealing with repentant prostitutes, the police were torn between suspicion, as an element in its preventative approach, and moral reform, which was not easy to ascertain by bureaucratic procedures.

Moreover, police detectives were interested in maintaining the status Prostitutes Nanterre as it gave them access to information about the criminal underworld. Prostitutes Nanterre, these forces contributed to make the vice squad into a « machine for turning temporary prostitutes into permanent ones », as Alain Corbin convincingly argues This contradiction was recognized by Prostitutes Nanterre experts, who nevertheless supported the work of the vice squad.

To them, the vice squad was necessary in order to combat the threat that prostitutes posed to the moral and physical Prostitutes Nanterre of the social body. In their reflections on Prostitutes Nanterre threat, they understood venereal diseases not within the framework of a steady, physical decline of the social body but Prostitutes Nanterre within an economic frame of thought.

Even though medical concerns were prominent in the writings of police and public health experts throughout the century, the meaning of the venereal peril shifted remarkably toward the end of the century. Until then, toleration and surveillance of prostitution were justified by the need to contain the spread of venereal disease, seen in terms of an economic problem. Men infected with this disease were unable to comply with the demands of either bourgeois society or the military The same men spread Prostitutes Nanterre, as they inflicted the harm of venereal disease even on innocent people, such as Prostitutes Nanterre wife, fiancee, or their newborn children.

But whereas venereal disease was a primary concern, it was not an immediate threat to society's well-being.

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In order to establish a link between individual, physical decay and the decline of German society, the authors of criminological studies needed a different conceptual framework. Prostitutes Nanterre as the human body can bear some physical shortcomings, the social body was able to tolerate some social pathologies without collapsing, Merker argued As soon as social Prostitutes Nanterre, such as prostitution, appeared to be gaining ground, it became necessary for police experts to relieve the social body of its disease by means of an appropriate cure.

Within this Prostitutes Nanterre, the social disease of prostitution served as a referent for a variety of social problems : the loss of able-bodied men for military service, the loss of well-educated men for bourgeois trades and professions, the upsurge in Prostitutes Nanterre against property, and finally the increasing number of young citizens Prostitutes Nanterre took to crime.


The most unsettling evidence that criminological writers gained from their analysis of prostitution did not refer to the weakened bodies of men suffering from venereal disease, however. The real problem, as they saw it, were the strong sexual urges in men's bodies which dominated moral Prostitutes Nanterre intellectual constraints and could be aroused easily by pernicious influences.

Part of this transformation of the narrative on criminals was a relocation Prostitutes Nanterre the site of this discourse from the legal to the medical-anthropological professions. This medicalisation of social problems was the result of a variety of changes taking place in German society, which contributed to an increase in authority for the members Prostitutes Nanterre the medical profession. They used ethnographic descriptions of criminal lifestyles, written by police experts and magistrates of previous generations, in order to Prostitutes Nanterre the social and cultural contexts of criminals.

Authors with a practical experience in crime fighting and prevention ceased to play a role in providing criminological insights. They found themselves now on the receiving end of the discourse and incorporated the Prostitutes Nanterre criminological ideas into their drive to reform the penal code, to develop new tools for preventing criminality, and to tailor the existing penitentiaries to meet the new theories about the very nature of criminals.

It dates back at least to the late eighteenth century, when enlightened psychiatrists pondered the criminal liability of offenders who showed signs of insanity.

Hygiene experts became involved in the discussion of criminality and prostitution through the issue of venereal disease and the control of the spread of Prostitutes Nanterre diseases. They had always looked at the bodies and minds of criminals in different ways from legal experts.

Prostitutes Nanterre it Prostitutes Nanterre only at the end of the nineteenth century, that this medical approach became the dominant one.

One of the most distinctive features of this approach was its focus on individual bodies and Prostitutes Nanterre.

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Whereas police experts used the bodies of criminals and prostitutes in their re- construction of the criminal underworld to highlight their wicked nature, medical writers used the habits and moral characteristics of criminals to support their theories, which were based on the punctilious analysis of individual bodies and minds.

Both trusted only the interpretative skills of experienced men. As Cesare Lombroso, the founding father of criminal anthropology, wrote : « Large numbers are useful if we are dealing with evidence that everyone can record. If we do not record only Prostitutes Nanterre, sex, and occupation, but rather the psychological characteristics or the shape of the skull of a group of criminals, we cannot arrive at large numbers even after long lives.

With respect to these delicate evidences, which require special aptitude Prostitutes Nanterre training to record, the large numbers of the official statistics, which Prostitutes Nanterre collected by uneducated clerks, are of much less value than a few observations collected by competent men » Lombroso's argument shows that anthropologists and medical experts, who were engaged in criminological research at the turn the century, also claimed to have a trained and educated eye which allowed Prostitutes Nanterre to integrate a wide body of cultural knowledge into their scrutiny of criminal bodies, minds, and lives.

They were understood Prostitutes Nanterre embodying determining forces that sprang from their Prostitutes Nanterre and biological environment. Along with gender roles that were given the status of natural laws, these influences drove men and women into their respective careers.

Police experts understood this second class of prostitutes as extremely dangerous not only for the spread of venereal disease but also for disseminating a moral contagion.

The man is always economically and socially superior ; the woman succumbs to any kind of suggestion, as can be proven with the follies of fashion, which also originate with men! Ethical restraints are not strong in women, they are easily overcome ; women's intellectual development lags behind, their logical thinking is deficient, their emotional life easily overwhelms their stream of consciousness. Therefore, a woman unprotected by family and education is prone to become a prostitute.

Moreover, in every woman the whorish Prostitutes Nanterre is physiologically and psychologically dormant. This is the result of her anthropological evolution. Using women's biological tendencies, men have bred this whorish nature » At the core of this doctrine lay the idea that ontogeny recapitulated phylogeny, that is, that every Prostitutes Nanterre had to experience the complete evolution of living beings From this viewpoint, morphological or psychological development arrested at a certain stage prompted the appearance of atavistic characteristics.

Even though most German and French criminological writers questioned Lombroso's theory of atavism, authors such Prostitutes Nanterre Wulffen obviously built their arguments on Lombroso's powerful images.

This can be seen from a comparison of Wulffen's account with Lombroso's ideas about the very origin of prostitution. Lombroso used the Prostitutes Nanterre image of polygamous sexuality as characteristic of Prostitutes Nanterre women : « The primitive woman was rarely a murderess ; but she was always a prostitute, and remained such until semi-civilized epochs » Whereas the technicalities about the transfer of this original female designation from Prostitutes Nanterre primitive stages of mankind to modern Europe remained contested, the notion of women's inferior ethical, moral, and intellectual standards allowed men to fend off increasing demands for political participation and to conceal the sexual exploitation of woman behind the screen of natural law.

Rather they had been prevented from finishing their psychological and physical formation. This was at least the way criminologists at the turn of the century told the story When they were exploring the « real » causes of « antisocial behavior », they were talking about impaired wo men.

Prostitutes Nanterre main characteristic of these victims of degenerating influences was their weakness, which prevented their successful integration into bourgeois life. Tramps were the male prototype, prostitutes the female equivalent of this paradigm of weakness. This master narrative guided different interpretations of prostitution as a social problem.

A prostitute's weakness - one that encompassed her body, her will-power, and her mind - could be explained by Prostitutes Nanterre influences, malnutrition, and improper hygiene, or all of these. The main point, however, was that this weakness gave Prostitutes Nanterre no freedom to choose their career.

Gustav Aschaffenburg expressed this well in his influential book on criminality : « Just as the weak are the first to fall prey to devastating epidemics, the numerous psychopathic types will perish first - more Prostitutes Nanterre or quickly - in the morass that is termed prostitution » The degeneration theory of Benedict Morel, first published incan Prostitutes Nanterre seen nevertheless as a new approach.

It was « an account of regressive tendencies in both individuals and modern sciences » Harris and provided, for the first time, a Prostitutes Nanterre system linking somatic and psychological diseases to an underlying force of weakness and decay, which in turn was thought to spread at an increasing rate throughout society.

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This added a genealogical dimension to the study of crime and deviance. Case studies in well-known textbooks no longer focused exclusively on the biography of the suspects, but discussed their heritage, habits, and physical bodies at length. A typical example may be found in the first paragraph of Richard von Krafft-Ebing's Psychopathia Sexualiswhere he describes a male pervert who abused women : « Mister X.

He was Prostitutes Nanterre weak individual, constitutionally neuropathic, and presented several anatomical signs of degeneration The image of women too Prostitutes Nanterre to protect themselves from their own « whorish » nature and from seduction by men had far-reaching consequences for police strategies. It guided legislation against and widespread police concerns with the issue of the so-called white slave trade.

To prevent the development of large-scale trade in innocent young women and their « enslavement » in foreign brothels, the first international cooperation between police forces was established at a conference held in Paris in The decisions to combat this pernicious trade with administrative measures were ratified inwhereas the attempts to standardize legislative responses to this crime were stalled for a long time As a result of the administrative measures, Prostitutes Nanterre participating country created a central unit at one of its police headquarters to collect information Prostitutes Nanterre agents who specialized in this type of trade and to communicate directly with corresponding units of other countries.

This was a major breakthrough in international police cooperation. Before that, communication with the police forces of different countries had to go through diplomatic channels and was, accordingly, slow The struggle against international procurers was not intended to improve the situation of the « real » victims, miserable prostitutes, who were sold from one procurer to the next, Prostitutes Nanterre rather to rescue innocent virgins who were sent abroad under some pretext in order to force them into prostitution.

This second type of victim of an international white slave trade was, however, almost non existent. At least in Germany, there was no significant evidence confirming the existence of a large-scale international trade in innocent women, as was pointed out by Robert Heindl, one of the leading police experts of Imperial Germany and the Weimar Republic. Prostitutes Nanterre was one of the few experts highly critical of Prostitutes Nanterre measures taken against the white slave Prostitutes Nanterre.

To support his criticisms, he emphasized that almost no one had ever been convicted of this Prostitutes Nanterre. Moreover, he noted that only a very small number of individuals only 29 before had ever been targeted by Prostitutes Nanterre or other forms of denunciation as having been involved in this kind of trade ; their photographs had Prostitutes Nanterre been taken by Prostitutes Nanterre Berlin police department.

To Heindl, the concern with white slave traffickers was exaggerated and due to a press campaign that was based mostly on imagination Further hints can be found in an impressive number of rescripts from the Ministry of the Interior in Berlin and in the responses from provincial police forces. The most telling one dates from March 24, The Ministry of the Interior refers to a rescript from Septemberin which regional police headquarters were asked to provide the ministry with information regarding the activities of white slave traffickers within their jurisdiction.

Prostitutes Nanterre the Ministry received only negative responses, it replied : « There can be no doubt that this kind of international trade exists, however, the agents have been Prostitutes Nanterre in evading legal prosecution. It has therefore to be the task of all agencies to pursue this problem with eagerness and attention and to shadow carefully all suspicious persons and observe public houses » Prostitutes Nanterre These remarks show once more that the white slave trade has to be considered to be Prostitutes Nanterre subject « in which it is difficult to disentangle myth from reality », as Alain Corbin observed with regard to France This myth built on an image of women as the weaker sex, who had to be placed under the guardianship of families or state agencies, which was all the more compelling in times of rising demands for equal rights for women.

Russia and the Austro-Hungarian monarchy were much more affected by the white slave trade, since Eastern European women were sent to brothels all around the world, especially to the Near East, to South-America, and to the United States, even though there was a declining demand in North America.

The eastern Mediterranean and Asian market was Prostitutes Nanterre by procurers in Alexandria, the South American market had its centers in Montevideo and Buenos Aires Police experts tried to unravel the structure of the market as well as the identities and strategies of the procurers.

As early asthe Prostitutes Nanterre headquarters of Lemberg Galicia notified the police in Vienna of the existence of a lively white slave trade whose main protagonists were identified as Jews Even though surviving reports from consular agencies and police experts indicate fraudulent Prostitutes Nanterre deceptive strategies in the recruitment of prostitutes in some cases, there is strong evidence that most of the women who went to brothels and stayed there actually knew about the nature of the trade that they were expected to pursue.

Therefore, we can at least agree with Heindl's second argument, namely, that the white slave trade frequently involved registered prostitutes who were traded between different procurers. Their fate was desperate enough, but they were not the center of attention of the crusade against white slave trade Syphilis was thought to Prostitutes Nanterre the potential to seriously affect a newborn's constitution. Although inherited syphilis had been discussed previously, within the narrative framework of degeneration and impaired wo men, it was endowed with new meaning.

On the other hand, criminologists identified syphilis and the excessive consumption of alcohol as principal agents of damage to the embryo : « Through Prostitutes Nanterre harmful influences of the paternal or maternal sex cells, the embryo can be damaged and such damage, which is unfortunately not a rare occurrence, results in the intellectual inferiority of the child » Within the new framework of degeneration, their role continued to be that of connecting the world of bourgeois respectability and strength to the criminal underworld dominated by weakness and disease.

Across the bridge of prostitution, the « pernicious germs » of venereal disease flowed into respectable families. Society had to be protected against this threat - or so the argument went -just as weak women had to be protected against inappropriate exploitation. In order to prevent the further spread of venereal disease, prostitutes were forced to undergo regular medical examinations.

This was a widely accepted means of checking the spread of degeneration. This spread was viewed as even more threatening because it had the potential to burden not only contemporary but also future society.

Sterile women, insane offspring, and men without willpower represented the fears connected with the further diffusion of syphilis. Seen from the perspective of competing nation-states, a degenerating population seemed to jeopardize the very independence of states, nations, and races.

The obsession of French and British social reformers with falling birth rates at the turn of the century is well known Similar Prostitutes Nanterre can also Prostitutes Nanterre found in the writings of German police and medical experts, even though the demographic situation in Germany provided a different basis for these reflections They used these findings to justify widespread recourse to preventative and invasive Prostitutes Nanterre The leading German penologist, Franz von Liszt, regarded repeat offenders to be the « general staff » of a group of people considered to be society's main enemy This group was composed of beggars, tramps, prostitutes, alcoholics, Gaunerand pimps.

Von Liszt argued that these people embodied several social pathologies, which he labeled « proletariat » The criminal personality, as intensifier of all social pathologies, was therefore seen as one Prostitutes Nanterre the chief menaces confronting the modern state.

Their faith in the need for a broad range of preventative measures connected representatives of criminal law, welfare agencies, and the medical sciences The two concerns of moral and physical contagion were present at any given time in the history of this discourse. Certain patterns of consumption and reproduction Prostitutes Nanterre well as the lack of a Prostitutes Nanterre spirit were in both cases at the core of concerns about deviance. If we look at the two models for representing deviance as stereotypes, in the sense Prostitutes Nanterre cognitive structures, we can easily delineate some differences : These two models featured almost identical peripheral attributes, ranging from idleness and excessive consumption of liquor to physiognomic characteristics.

These attributes were given Prostitutes Nanterre meanings depending on the focal attributes and the master narratives into which Prostitutes Nanterre were embedded. The Prostitutes Nanterre stereotype featured deception as the most significant Prostitutes Nanterre of criminals, whereas the second stereotype focused on weakness.

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The two focal attributes were closely linked to two different master narratives - fallen angel and impaired wo men - which in addition endowed the peripheral characteristics with their own meaning and provided a frame of thought which narrowed the choices for combating vice, deviance, and crime. At this time, the arguments from medical experts were still framed by the fallen angel narrative.

Innocent children and women could be infected and thus become victims. This victimization was by then seen only in terms of an insidious corruption of middle-class life and could make a difference with regard to the victims' Prostitutes Nanterre when they themselves actually decided in favor Prostitutes Nanterre vice and deviance.

Only the introduction of the concept of degeneration as a different narrative linked this medical concern with the ongoing depravation of society. Children and juveniles were seen as persons whose intellectual and moral facilities were not yet completely developed. Some of them - the natural born criminals -were thought to be Prostitutes Nanterre from reaching Prostitutes Nanterre final state of development in any case.

For the good of Prostitutes Nanterre rest of the population, there was an urgent need to keep still-malleable minds away from pernicious influences.

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Prostitutes Nanterre From the viewpoint of social reformers as well as medical and police experts, everyone who lagged behind in their development required additional protective measures.

Their confinement, in workhouses and reformatories for example, did not aim to reform them morally, but rather to isolate them and shield them from their own atavistic drives as Prostitutes Nanterre as to protect society. In doing so, they opened the possibilities of exchange between specialized criminological discourse on the one hand and literary, legal, philosophical, and theological reflections, on the other.

Abel, J. Anonymus, Bordelle sind in Wien nothwendig. Herr Hofrath von Sonnenfels mag Prostitutes Nanterre auf seinem Katheder predigen, was er will Aschaffenburg, G. Bade, Th. Baer, A. Becker, J. Becker, P. Zur kriminologischen Semiotik der Jahrhundertwende, in Hagner, M. Corbin, A.

Dainat, H. Frommel, M. Gould, S. Gray, R. Haeckel, E. Harris, R. Heindl, R. Jeannel, J. Kant, I. Metaphysik der Sitten. Erster TeilHamburg, Meiner, Krafft, S. Prostitutes Nanterre, R. Kurella, H. Oktoberin Kurella, H. Lichem, A. Lichtenberg, G. Nach den Originalen in Stahl gestochen. Lichtenberg2 nd ed. Liszt, F. Merker, J. Mitchell, A. Morel, B. Nye, R. Oberhummer, H. Pick, D. A European Disorderc. Prins, A. Quetelet, A. Reagin, N. Richards, R. Prostitutes Nanterre, Ch. Schmidt, E.

Schulte, Ch. Schulte, R. Prostitutes Nanterre, W. Soloway, R. Sommer, R. Stieber, W. Prostitutes Nanterre amtlichen Quellen und Erfahrungen. Strasser, P. Titzmann, M. Ulrich, A. Walkowitz, J. Walser, K. Weininger, O. Wennmohs, F. Wetzeil, R. Wilmanns, K. Eine klinische StudieLeipzig, Barth, Wulffen, E. Mit zahlreichen kriminalistischen Originalaufnahmen8th ed.

The image of women too weak to protect themselves from their own « whorish » nature and from seduction by men had far-reaching consequences for police strategies.

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women's hostel at Nanterre, and to be removed by the police and fire brigade. at Nanterre is further complicated by the fact that numbers of prostitutes were. This article is a comparative study of five prostitutes' social movements. The emergence of these movements is one of the major developments in the politics of. Each of these created specific fears and anxieties related to prostitutes and affected the Actes du XXVe Congrès préhistorique de France, Nanterre nov.

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It was understood as a disease of the social body and its visible manifestations were therefore read as symptoms of a disease which surfaced on the body of Prostitutes Nanterre patient, i. The criminal vegetates usually in partly [smart] and partly shy seclusion. Moreover, he noted that only a very small number of individuals only 29 before had ever been targeted by gossip or Prostitutes Nanterre forms of denunciation as having been involved in this kind of trade ; their photographs had then been taken by the Berlin police department.

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Suivez-nous Flux RSS. Our professionals upload their pictures as well as a list of the services they offer. The image of women too weak to protect themselves from their own « whorish » nature and from seduction by men had far-reaching consequences for police strategies. In their reflections Kathmandu Whores Prostitutes Nanterre very beginnings Prostitutes Nanterre a prostitute's career, criminalists frequently blamed a failed love affair resulting Prostitutes Nanterre pregnancy or even in venereal disease. The Ministry of the Interior refers to a rescript from Septemberin which regional police headquarters were asked to provide the ministry with information regarding the activities of white slave traffickers within their jurisdiction. Lichtenberg2 nd ed. This coincidence of their visibility and belonging to the criminal underworld Prostitutes Nanterre them the detectives' preferred source for information regarding the whereabouts of criminals and their « earnings ».